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Present Tenses Quiz (1º Bach)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jane went out and didn't get ... home until midnight.
Yout must run fast to get ... from a lion.
Let's order pizza and ask them to deliver it ... (once in a while OR straigh away)
straight away
I plan to visit Australia next year, but ... I'm happy reading books about it. (in the meantime OR at one time)
in the meantime
My friends and I go to the cinema ... (in the near future OR evey now and then)
every now and then
Magicians ... tricks with rabbits and hats. (do) (often)
often do
Kate ... (not like) hamsters. Their noisy behaviour at night ... (bother) her a lot.
doesn't like / bothers
Oh, no! / Why / the trainer / punish / the dolphin / on the right / ?
Oh, no! Why is the trainer punishing the dolphin on the right?
How / pandas / protect / their babies / from danger / ?
How do pandas protect their babies from danger?
I'm sorry, but I ... a word you are saying! (not understand)
don't understand
your uncle / live / near here / ?
Does your uncle live near here?
I talk on the phone. (rarely)
I rarely talk on the phone.
Who ... this jacket ... to? (belong)
does / belong
Tom hardly ever ... during the week. (go out)
goes out
Mark ... (play) the piano in a concert next week, so he ... (practise) very hard this week.
is playing / is practising
The train to Paris ... in half an hour. (leave)
Mr. and Ms. Jones ... (look) for a new house. They ... (want) something near the sea.
are looking / want
The students usually ... (behave) well, but once in a while they ... (do) something wrong.
behave / do
The dog ... tired. (look)
We ... for dinner next Friday. (go out)
are going out
I ... a book about animals this month. (read)
am reading
The crocodile ... now. (sleep)
is sleeping
The film ... in an hour. (start)
Adam ... animals every day. (train)