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Too vs Enough vs As...As

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I hate math is not interesting. Math is _________________ (boring)
Math is too boring.
I like the cooking book, and I like the music book. The music book _______________the cooking book. (interesting)
The music book is as interesting as the cooking book.
Don't touch that tiger! It's _____________________. (dangerous)
It's too dangerous.
I can't hear you! The music ________________. (loud)
The music is too loud.
We are going to be late! The car _________________. (fast)
The car is not fast enough.
You can't wear that t-shirt, it's too small! The t-shirt ___________________. (Big)
The t-shirt is not big enough.
My dog is bigger than my friend's dog. My friend's dog ______________ my dog. (big)
My friend's dog is not as big as my dog.
Anna and Ella have got long hair. Their hair is exactly the same!. Anna's hair _______________ Ella's hair. (long)
Anna's hair is as long as Ella's hair.
Martin is shorter than Mike. Martin ___________________________Mike. (tall)
Martin is not as tall as Mike.
My mom and her sister are 1.7 metres tall. My mom is _________________ her sister. (tall)
My mom is as tall as her sister.
Sue can't buy this dress. It's ______________. (expensive)
It's too expensive.
My sister can't watch this movie. It's ___________. (scary)
It's too scary.
I can solve this problem. I am ______________. (smart)
I am smart enough.
I can't lift this piano. I am _________________.
I am not strong enough.
My brother and I are twins. I am ______________ my brother. (old)
I am as old as my brother.
I can't wear this jacket. It's ____________(cold).
It's not cold enough.
I don't want to watch this movie. It's ____________(boring)
It's too boring