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can vs can't

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You......stay next to me. I'm sick.
You can't stay next to me. I'm sick.
I.....cook you some lunch. I'm hungry.
I can cook you some lunch. I'm hungry.
Paul.....play the guitar. His arm is broken.
Paul can't play the guitar. His arm is broken.
Karen and Lou......sing. They're great!
Karen and Lou can sing. They're great!
Ben....play the drums. He can't find the drumsticks.
Ben can't play the drums. He can't find the drumsticks.
They....wear shorts today. It's very cold.
They can't wear shorts today. It's very cold.
He....run very fast. He is the best in his class.
He can run very fast. He is the best in his class.
We.....have a picnic here because it is a beautiful day.
We can have a picnic here because it is a beautiful day.
You......swim here. The water is good
You can swim here. The water is good
They.....play football. They can't find the ball
They can't play football. They can't find the ball
I..........take a photo. I haven't got a camera.
I can't take a photo. I haven't got a camera.
This machine / fly X
This machine can't fly
They /ride a bike √
They can ride a bike
Brad and Maddie / speak German X
Brad and Maddie can't speak German
Maddie / surf √
Maddie can surf
Brad / play the guitar √
Brad can play the guitar