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Order of adjectives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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During my college years, I wore a ______ hat to sporting events. (big, white and black, red)
During my college years, I wore a big red, white and black hat to sporting events.
My brother rode a ________ horse in the parade. (big, beautiful,black, Friesan)
My brother rode a beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade.
Some ______trousers (French, slim, new)
Some slim new French trousers.
A ________ornament. (pink, plastic, disgusting)
A disgusting pink plastic ornament.
A ____________ clock. (old, wonderful, Italian)
A wonderful old Italian clock.
My sister adopted a ________bulldog. (big, beautiful, white )
My sister adopted a beautiful big white bulldog.
A very _________ truck. (old, Ford, pick-up)
A very old red Ford pick-up truck.
I ordered_________pizzas for the game. (large, two, tasty)
I ordered two tasty large pizzas for the game.
She was wearing an_______ coat. (read, amazing)
She was wearing an amazing red coat.
It was made of a _______material. (strange, metallic, green)
It was made of a strange, green, metallic material.
It’s a _______brush. (narrow, plastic, long)
It’s a long, narrow, plastic brush.
What an ________ cup and saucer! (old, Chinese, amazing, little)
What amazing, little, old, Chinese cup and saucer!
She was a ________woman. (black-haired, young, tall, thin, Scotish, beautiful)
beautiful, tall, thin, young, black-haired, Scottish
Panettone is a___________ Christmas cake. (Italian, bread-like- round)
round, Italian, bread-like