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Will vs Going to

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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the bus / be / on time?
Will the bus be on time?
you / invite / John / to your birthday party?
Are you going to invite John to your birthday party?
I think / my dad / arrive / home at 7pm.
I think my dad will arrive home at 7pm.
I'm sure / you / love / sushi. It's delicious and you like fish.
I'm sure you will love sushi.
I / tidy / my bedroom in 5 minutes.
I'm going to tidy my bedroom in five minutes
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? I'm not going to visit my Grandma today.
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? You won't have enough money for the holiday if you spend it on sweets.
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? When will it stop raining?
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? When are you going to go to the supermarket?
My family and I / go / to France this summer.
My family and I are going to go to France this summer.
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? We won't be on-time!
My parents / not / buy / me an iPhone 13. It's too expensive.
My parents aren't going to buy me an iPhone 13.
Where / you / go / on your next holiday?
Where are you going to go on your next holiday?
He / not / eat / this food. He doesn't like vegetables!
He won't eat this food.
They / go / on holiday / at the weekend.
They are going to go on holiday at the weekend.
I think / you / enjoy / the film.
I think you will enjoy the film.
I think / Sally / become / a famous actress.
I think Sally will become a famous actress.
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? I won't have time to go out tonight.
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? I'm not going to go to school tomorrow.
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? Who will win the next world cup?
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? I think it'll rain this afternoon
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? When are you going to do your homework?
INTENTION OR PREDICTION? I'm going to go shopping at the weekend.