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Animals and where they live

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which animal lives on the ground and in trees? 1) the macaw 2) the whale 3) the panda 4) the flamingo
3) the panda
Which animal lives both on land and in water? 1) the bird 2) the zebra 3) the turtle 4) the deer
3) the turtle
Which animal lives on the ground? 1) the eagle 2) the pigeon 3) the oriole 4) the puppy
4) the puppy
Which animal lives both on land and in water? 1) the crab 2) the lion 3) the elephant 4) the cow
1) the crab
Which animal lives both on land and in water? 1) the sheep 2) the monkey 3) the tiger 4) the crocodile
4) the crocodile
Which animal lives in a tree? 1) the opossum 2) the donkey 3) the worm
1) the opossum
Which animal lives in a tree? 1) the frog 2) the squirrel 3) the duck
2) the squirrel
The goldfish is a ________ animal. 1) walking 2) water 3) land 4) carnivorous
2) water
The shrimp is a _________ animal. 1) carnivorous 2) flying 3) land 4) water
4) water
The cat is a _______ animal. 1) herbivorous 2) swimming 3) land 4) water
3) land
The horse is a ______ animal. 1) land 2) water 3) carnivorous 4) flying
1) land
TRUE or FALSE? The fish is a land animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The octopus is a water animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The jellyfish is a land animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The dolphin is a land animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The giraffe is a water animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The rabbit is a water animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The dog is a water animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The shark is a water animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The whale is a water animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The chicken is a land animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The elephant is a land animal.
TRUE or FALSE? The zebra is a land animal.