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Capitalization of Names

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of a fourth-grade teacher is Ms. Tyler.
The name of a fourth-grade teacher is ms. tyler.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of a fifth-grade teacher is Mrs. Gomez.
The name of a fifth-grade teacher is mrs. gomez.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of a fourth-grade teacher is Ms. Lee.
The name of a fourth-grade teacher is ms. lee.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of a third-grade teacher is Ms. Loftus.
The name of a third-grade teacher is ms. loftus.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of your ENL teacher is Ms. Oliveras.
The name of your ENL teacher is ms. oliveras.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of our school is P.S. 199 Queens.
The name of our school is p.s. 199 queens.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of my best friend is Iris.
The name of my best friend is iris.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of my dad is Benno.
The name of my dad is benno.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of my sister is Jeanette.
The name of my sister is jeanette.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of my mom is Henrietta.
The name of my mom is henrietta.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of my son is Michael.
The name of my son is michael.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
The name of our principal is Mr. Daliposki.
The name of our principal is mr. daliposki.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
Ms. Lombardi has a dog named Montego.
Ms. lombardi has a dog named montego.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
Mercy likes hot toast with butter on it.
mercy likes hot toast with Butter on it.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
Mercy snuggled up between Mr. and Mrs. Watson.
mercy snuggle up between Mr. and Mrs. watson.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
Mr. and Mrs. Watson kiss Mercy good night.
Mr. and mrs. Watson kiss mercy good night.
Which sentence is correct? 驴Cual oraci贸n esta correcta?
Mr. and Mrs. Watson have a pig named Mercy.
Mr. and Mrs watson have a pig named mercy.