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Have you ever...? Questions for kids

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you ever killed a cockroach?
Oh, that's brave
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
Shame on you!
Have you ever peed on your pants?
Did you jump to a shower later?
Have you ever moved from one home to another?
Do you like moving?
Have you ever been on a boat?
Did you feel free?
Have you ever played in a tree house?
That sounds like fun!
Have you eber had a bloody nose?
Did you wash it?
Have you ever been to the dentist?
Were you relaxed?
Have you ever won a race?
Did you get an Olympic medal?
Have you ever read a whole book in one day?
Wow, I'm impressed...
Have you ever ridden on a roller coaster?
Did you scream?
Have you ever stayed up all night?
How did you feel the next day?
Have you ever tripped over your shoelaces?
Was it funny?
Have you ever been on a road trip?
Did you sleep in the car?
Have you ever played minecraft?
Is it better than Roblox?
Have you ever climbed a tree?
Don't look down!
Have you ever been on an airplane?
Did you visit the cabin?
Have you ever eaten an old candy?
Did you have a stomachache?
Have you ever danced in the rain?
Did you sing it too?
Have you ever done karate?
Remember: No mercy!
Have you ever worn something dirty?
Did you put some perfume?
Have you ever laughed so much it hurt?
What was so funny?
Have you ever hidden things under your bed?
Yes, I have. And I couldn't remember where it was...
Have you ever seen a shooting star?
It lit up the sky!
Have you ever made up a fake language?
Laka vishna hare hari haro