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Telephone Numbers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's your phone number? It's 088 234 544.
It's oh double eight two three four five double four.
What's your phone number? It's 432 9566.
It's four three two nine five double six.
What's your mobile number? It's 0908 224456.
It's oh nine oh eight double two double four five six.
What's your phone number? It's 752 64 33.
It's seven five two six four double three.
What's your phone number? It's 992 14 513.
It's double nine two one four five one three.
What's your phone number? It's 081 45 88.
It's oh eight one four five double eight.
What's your mobile number? It's 0905 88 66 11.
It's oh nine oh five double eight double six double one.
What's your mobile number? It's 0915 338 775.
It's oh nine one five double three eight double seven five.
What's your number? It's 32 19 88 56.
It's three two one nine double eight five six.
What's your number? It's 435 88 66.
It's four three five double eight double six.
What's your number? It's 65 52 88.
It's six double five two double eight.
What's your mobile number? It's 421 951 368 900.
It's four two one nine five one three six eight nine oh oh.
What's your phone number? It's 023 477 89.
It's oh two three four double seven eight nine.
What's your phone number? It's 0811 22 55.
It's oh eight double one double two double five.
What's your mobile number? It's 007 52 199.
It's double oh seven five two one double nine.
What's your mobile number? It's 0905 38 44 56.
It's oh nine oh five three eight double four five six.