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L4 U21 - Describe the benefits of good customer  ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mr. Dale saw me. I had no appointment. (even though / although)
Although I had no appointment, mr dale saw me.
The lecture was very interesting. Some people left in the middle. (even though / although)
Even though some people left in the middle, the lecture was very interesting.
The client agreed to meet me. Her work schedule is heavy. (even though / although)
Although her work schedule is heavy, the client agreed to meet me.
The meeting was short. We accomplished a lot. (even though / although)
Even though the meeting was short, we accomplished a lot.
The customer is going to buy the car. Its price is high. (even though / although)
Although the price is high the customer is going to buy the car.
If we don’t act soon, the campaign won’t succeed
The campaign won't succeed unless we don't act soon.
If she trusts us, she will renew her contract.
She will renew her contract unless she doesn't trust us
We’ll miss the trade show if we don’t hurry.
Unless we hurry we'll miss the trade show.
Brian will come to the meeting if he’s in town.
Brian will come to the meeting unless he's in town.