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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am always taking a nap between three and four in the afternoon.
I ALWAYS TAKE a nap between three and four in the afternoon.
David is looking ridiculous with that with pink hat on his head.
David LOOKS ridiculous with that with pink hat on his head.
I need something to write on. Could you give me that paper, please?
I need something to write on. Could you give me that SHEET of paper, please?
I love watching horror films. It's funny!
I love watching horror films. It's FUN!
Danny told me a very funny history about his cousin yesterday.
Danny told me a very funny STORY about his cousin yesterday.
My grandma is very old. She has 94 years!
My grandma is very old. She IS 94 years OLD!
I don't know what to do. Could you give me an advice?
I don't know what to do. Could you give me SOME advice? A PIECE OF advice?
Listen me when I talk to you!
Listen TO me when I talk to you!
The people in Valencia is very fond of Las Fallas.
The people in Valencia ARE very fond of Las Fallas.
For me the plan is great.
I think the plan is great.
I am used to wake up early. I have to do it for my job.
I am used to wakING up early. I have to do it for my job.
I'm used to go to Mercadona near my house. I don't often go to Carrefour.
I USUALLY go to Mercadona near my house. I don't often go to Carrefour.
I'm not sure yet. It depend of the weather.
It DEPENDS ON the weather.
I'm only doing this for helping you.
I'm only doing this TO HELP you.
I want to go to the beach but it rains. I guess I'll have to stay in and watch TV.
I want to go to the beach but it IS RAINING. I guess I'll have to stay in and watch TV.
I live in Valencia since 2018. It's a wonderful city.
I HAVE LIVED in Valencia since 2018. It's a wonderful city.
I don't know if I believe her. She often doesn't say the truth.
I don't know if I believe her. She often doesn't TELL the truth.
Don't worry. I will find someone else to help me. Is not a problem.
Don't worry. I will find someone else to help me. IT is not a problem.
You have right. That is the correct answer to the question.
You ARE right.
It’s hotter Spain than England.
Spain is hotter than England. / It's hotter IN Spain than IN England.
We couldn’t finish watching the movie because we had too much fear.
We couldn’t finish watching the movie because we WERE TOO AFRAID/SCARED.
He seemed really happy after the job interview and confident that they would contract him.
He seemed really happy after the job interview and confident that they would HIRE him.
My mother cleaned with a paper towel the table.
My mother cleaned THE TABLE with a paper towel.
I'm going to call to my friend to ask him what his plans are.
I'm going to call XXX my friend to ask him what his plans are.
Alex did a big mistake when he decided to buy that old car.
Alex MADE a big mistake when he decided to buy that old car.
Yesterday, Julia said me that she's going to move to Australia.
Yesterday, Julia TOLD me that she's going to move to Australia.
I have seen that film yesterday.
I SAW that film yesterday.
I'm not agree with my brother.
I DON'T agree with my brother.
Do you want to go and take a coffee?
Do you want to go and HAVE a coffee?
How is the word in English?
WHAT is the word in English?
- "Do you think David will be on time today?" - "Yeah, I think yes."
- "Do you think David will be on time today?" - "Yeah, I think SO."