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Past Simple or Past Continuous?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How ________________(they /make) this cake last time?
did they make
I ___________(send) you a postcard last week but you ____________(not+reply) to me.
sent; didn't reply
Some students ______________(jog) in the forest when it ___________ (start) snowing.
were jogging; started
The boys ____________(not+run) in the stadium this time yesterday.
weren't running
Why ___________(they/be) so unhappy after the trip?
were they
The orange bus __________(stop) in front of our house some days ago.
What _______________(your little sister/play) when the alarm clock rang?
was your little sister playing
How many friends _____________(you/invite) to your garden party last summer?
did you invite
We __________(be+not) at home last Friday.
We ______________(have) dinner when our granny __________ (phone) us.
were having; phoned
The students _____________(write) Exercise 9 when the bell ____________(ring).
were writing; rang
The teacher____________(sit) down and ____________(open) her book.
sat; opened
Which book ________________(you/read) when mother came home?
were you reading
Where ____________(you/meet) your best friend last Monday?
did you meet
I____________(write) a letter to my friend while my sister ________ (clean) her room.
was writing; was cleaning
My parents ______________(not+watch) the news yesterday at six.
weren't watching
My brother_____________(break) his leg last week.