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Mixtures and Solutions

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You mix dirt and water in a jar. After a while, the mud settles to the bottom. What kind of mixture is this?
A mixture where the particles are scattered through another without settling out
A homogenous mixture blended so completely that the mixture looks the same everywhere
A physical combination of two or more substances
What is the difference between a homogeneous and a heterogeneous mixture?
Mixtures not uniformly mixed together are heterogeneous; they can be easily separated. A homogenous mixture is uniform throughout.
What is the difference between a mixture and a solution?
A mixture is a physical combination of 2 or more substances. A solution is a type of mixture that contains dissolved minerals and gases.
When you add 200g water + 15g salt, what do you get?
215g of saltwater solution
Name an example of a suspension.
dressing, oil+water, muddy water...
Name an example of a colloid.
gelatin, smoke, fog, airborne dust particles, whipped cream
Name an example of a solution.
salt water, sugar water, lemonade, drink mix + water....
Is chocolate a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?
Is soda a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?
Is alphabet soup a hetergeneous or homogenous mixture?
Is trail mix a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?