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subject and indirect questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Know / the bathroom / you / is / where / ? / do /
do you know where the bathroom is?
will / if / the / pass / wonder / I / I / exam
I wonder if I will pass the exam
when / you / we / first met / remember / do / ?
do you remember when we first met?
friends / for / are / ? what
what are friends for?
take / in that museum / ? / pictures / can / who
Who can take pictures in that museum?
order the question : paid / ? / who / the bill
who paid the bill?
The caterpillar became a butterfly> subject question:
what became a butterfly?
The caterpillar became a butterfly.> Object question:
what did the caterpillar become?
David has lost his wallet. > subject question:
who has lost his wallet?
David has lost his wallet.> Object question:
what has David lost?
The food was on the table.> subject question:
what was on the table?
The food was on the table.> Object question:
where was the food?
Ashley loves ice-cream. > subejct question:
who loves ice cream?
Julie loves ice-cream > Object question:
what does Julie love?
ask for the people that studied at the CRELe last term
Who studied at the CRELe last term?
ask for the people that watched the VMAs last week
who watched the VMAs last week?
politely ask for a schoolarship to study abroad
i'd appreciate if you could give me an opportunity to obtain this schoolarship you are offering to study abroad
politely ask to the teacher for permission to leave the session earlier today
Teacher, I want to know if there is no problem if I leave the session earlier today
politely ask for a vacancy to apply for a job
Could you please let me know when there is a vacancy in your company so that I can apply for it
politely ask your parents for permission to go to a party tonight
example: Mom, I want to know If you can let me go to the party tonight
politely ask the directitions to go to the Cosmovitral to a stranger
example: Excuse me, could you please tell me how I can get to the Cosmovitral?