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The present perfect or the past simple?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They ____________(not+catch) many fish last week.
didn't catch
My friend ____________(hurt) himself at the competitions last week.
Last month she _____________(fall) off her bike and ______________(twist) her ankle.
fell; twisted
My parents _______________(be) to South America many times.
have been
We ____________(already/have) three tests this week.
have already had
My grandpa ______________(not+study) Latin when he was at school.
did not study
Where _______________(your friend/buy) this dress?
did your friend buy
_______________(you/find) any interestinfg facts yesterday?
did you find
We ______________(never/visit) Wales.
have never visited
How many poems ________________(he/write) this month?
has he written
My little sister ______________(draw) many nice pictures today.
has drawn / drew 
____________(you/open) the window yet? - No, I _____________.
Have you opened ; haven't
We ____________(go) shopping yesterday after school.
She ________________(lose) her keys when she was in London.
I can't find my cell phone. - ________________(you/lose) it?
Did you lose
I______________(never/hear) this song before. Who made it?
have never heard
The first man _____________(fly) to the Moon in 1969.
Our teacher is the best! She _________________(work) at our school for more than 40 years.
has worked
My uncle ______________(buy) this car many years ago.