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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mabel picks up a shirt and a pair of shorts. She walks to the front. The lady in the blue shirt says, "That will be $20.00" What is Mabel doing?
Mabel is clothes shopping.
Arthur hears a bell ring. He grabs his bag and heads for the door. What is happening?
School is getting out.
Amy adjusts her goggles. She lays down her towel and then gets ready to dive. What is she going to be doing?
Mark gets the cereal, milk, and a bowl out. What time of day is it?
Sammy and Billy are side by side. Sammy moves his legs a little faster and harder, crossing the line. The crowd cheers. What are they doing?
They are racing.
Ray looked at the front covers of many books. Then he chose one and walked to the desk. What is he doing?
He is checking out a library book.
Ben climbed up the ladder. He looked down at the shiny metal. He sat down and pushed off. What is he doing?
He is coming down a slide
Suzy put on her helmet. She kicked up her kickstand. She threw her leg over the seat. What is she doing?
Riding a bike
Troy put on his shin guards. He ran onto the field. What is he about to do?
He will play soccer.
Austin and Alex were on a vacation. They went swimming and built sand castles. Where were they?
They were at the beach.
Jake did not go to school today. He had to stay in bed. He ate chicken noodle soup for lunch. What happened?
Jake was sick.
At the end of the school day, Mrs. Neill said, "See you next year!" What happened?
It was the last day of school.
The students followed directions to look at the adult and smile. She heard a camera click. What is happening?
She is having her picture taken.
A moving truck pulled into the driveway next door. What is happening?
A new family is moving in/out
Bella blew out candles while everyone was singing. What was happening?
She was having a birthday party.
Julia was in her room. She knew she must be having pizza for dinner as she walked into the kitchen. How do you think she knew?
She smelt it.