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The ultimate Minecrafter Quiz

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How many night creatures can you find in 'Minecraft'
How do you stop the endo dragon from healing?
you break all the end crystals on all of the obsidian pillars
Which real life animal was recorded to produce the sound effects of the Ghasts?
What do zombies drop, if pigs drop pork chops and skeletons drop bones ?
rotting flesh
How tall is a Ghast (not including the tentacles)
four blocks without his feet
Who is the Endermen's commander?
Ender Dragon
How is a Charged Creeper built?
when a creeper gets struck by lightning
What can you wear to avoid Enderman ambushing you?
carved pumpkin
What are creepers petrified of?
Ocelots and cats
Name some main characters of 'Minecraft'
Steve, Alex, Herobrine, Ender dragon, wither
Which equipment must you utilize to mine stone and ores in 'Minecraft'?
How many Minecraft versions are there?
What update is the date currently on?
How do you turn a sheep rainbow?
You name it jeb_
How do you make a minecraft animal turn upside down?
You take an Anvil with a nametag and name the animal Dinnerbone
How do you kill a zombie with potions?
healing potions