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Advanced Class Phrasal Verb Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is he doing?
What are these? (it´s a foot!)
What is this?
What is this?
What is this? (the water)
What is this?
Yesterday, I had to _____ a student ___ for using his phone in class.
tell, off
Before you decide to go to univesity in Moscow, you should ________ it _______ with your parents.
talk, over
My friend didn´t want to go to the party but we ________ her _______ it and we all had a very good time!
talked, into
My flight to Australia ______ _______ in Kuala Lumpur.
stops over
If you want you can _____ ______ at my house on Saturday.
stay over
If you want a good English newspaper to read, I would _____ you  __   The Guardian.
refer, to
I don´t understand the rules of handball so I am going to ______   _____ on them.
read up
When the bus ______  ________ to the bus stop, I waited for the people to get off before I got on.
pulled up
My car was making a strange sound so I _______  ________ to check it out.
pulled over
I was driving along the road and another car _____  _____ into the road and I nearly crashed!
pulled out
I want you to read through this article and _____  _____ any words you don´t understand.
pick out
Could you quickly _______  ________ the email I have just sent you.
look through
Hugh: I am now going to ______  _______ your exam results.
hand out
I have to _______  _______ my essay by Friday.
hand in
I need to ________   __________ my essay before I hand it in to my teacher.
go over
The marathon was very difficult but I ________  _________ it because I had trained very hard.
got through
I have ________   _______ with my studies because I am going out too much.
fallen behind
I went to university in LA for 3 months but I _______  _________ because I was homesick.
dropped out
He ___________ his life ______ his family.
devotes, to
When I asked him about his girlfriend, he ______   ________ crying.
burst out
When you speak to my sister don´t _______    _______ her driving test!
bring up
The school ______  ______ for summer in June.
breaks up
I have ______ you ____ a spa for your birthday.
booked, into
He is really ____ comics.