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Household chores

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What part of your house is the hardest to manage?
Do you iron your clothes?
Are you good at fixing things around the house?
Do you plant your own vegetables?
How many hours a week do you spend on house chores?
Is it a good idea to pay kids for doing chores? What could be the reasons?
Have you ever had an empty fridge for a long time only because you were too lazy to go grocery shopping?
If you could buy only one of this two things, would you choose a dishwasher or a washing machine?
Which items do you use to clean your house?
Is there any chore you cannot sleep without doing?
What household chores do you enjoy doing?
What household chores do you hate doing?
Are you an organized person?
What are your monthly/seasonal chores?
What are your weekly chores?
What are your daily chores?
What are your consistent chores?
What household chores we won't have to do in the future?
If you could have a robot to do one of your chores, what would you choose for it to do?
Do you have your house cleaned by a maid/housekeeper?
Can you think of some dangerous chores that you can't do?