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Notes Pre-intermediate Present Continuous / be g ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sorry, but 7 p.m. isn’t fine for us. We visiting my parents-in-law at that time.
We are visiting ...
What are you going to do on holidays?
Olga is see Michael tomorrow! I’m sure that she really likes him.
Olga is seeing ...
I’m really waiting for the salary I’m going buy a new board game.
I’m going to buy ...
Oh my God! Martha is going to changing the wallpapers in our flat! I just hate this idea.
is going to change
Are you going abroad this summer?
We are going to meet Sarah at 3 p.m. near the Circus.
We are meeting
Mike going to propose Susan today.
Mike is going to propose
I’m reading a book in the evening.
I'm going to read
Are you going to do / are you doing your homework in the evening or do you have other plans?
Are you going to do
Mike is going to install / is installing this game soon. He's promised.
is going to install
They aren’t going to see / aren’t seeing the doctor at 3, he’s postponed their meeting.
aren’t seeing
I can’t go to the theater with you, because I’m going to do / I’m doing karate with my personal trainer at that time.
I’m doing
Marry wants to break up with Jason. So she is going to have / is having a serious talk with him in the nearest future
is going to have
We are going to meet / We are meeting Annie at the airport at 5. Oh Gosh, we are late! Shall we take a taxi?
We are meeting
Out mother is going to bake / is baking a pie today. Could you buy some eggs and flour, please?
is baking
I’m going to visit / I’m visiting my grandparents. But I don’t know when exactly.
I’m going to visit
I’m going to play / I’m playing board games with my friends tonight. Paul has booked us a table.
I’m playing