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AS 4 Unit 9 Zero Conditional

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I / can / not / run / I / eat too much
I can't run if I eat too much.
you / can / sit here / you / want
You can sit here if you want.
it / be / hot / I / drink water
If it is hot, I drink water.
my mum / be busy / I / help her
If my mum is busy, I help her.
everybody / be grumpy / it / rain a lot
Everybody is grumpy if it rains a lot.
my flatmate / clean it really well / she / clean the house
My flatmate cleans really well if she cleans the house.
I / cycle to work / the weather / be fine
I cycle to work if the weather is fine.
I / like to visit the museums / I / be in a new city
I like to visit the museums if I am in a new city
the river / freeze / it / be very cold
The river freezes if it’s very cold.
David / be sick / he / drink milk
David is sick if he drinks milk.
my daughter / pass her exams / she / work hard
My daughter passes her exams if she works hard.
she / buy expensive clothes / she / go shopping
She buys expensive clothes if she goes shopping.
lots of people / come / Jenny / have a party
Lots of people come if Jenny has a party.
I / feel good the next day / I / go to bed early
I feel good the next day if I go to bed early
I / speak to John / he / get annoyed
If I speak to John, he gets annoyed
you / heat ice / it / melt
If you heat ice, it melts.
children / play outside / they / be fat
If children play outside, they aren't fat.
you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers
If you smoke, you get yellow fingers
people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat
If people eat too many sweets, they get fat
you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock
If you mix water and electricity, you get a shock.
children / not eat well / they / not be healthy
If children don’t eat well, they aren’t healthy.
Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke
If Julie doesn’t wear a hat, she gets sunstroke
my husband / cook / he / burn the food
If my husband cooks, he burns the food.
I / wake up late / I / be late for work
If I wake up late, I’m late for work.