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Simple Tenses Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sofia and Tomás always _______ their mother cook. (help)
]uana rarely _______ her hair. (brush)
We often ______ the house. (clean)
I _______ because I have a test tomorrow. (study)
am studying
My friends and I _______ a party on Saturday. (have)
are going to have
They ________ camping next week. 
are going to go 
My brother _______ chocolate. (not like)
doens't like
We always ________ games during the break. (play)
Jerry _______ his new car next weekend. (drive)
is going to drive
-Who ________ swimming with? (they/go)
are they going to go
-Why _______ now? (you/cry) - I cut myself
are you crying
-Where _________ that book next year? (you/buy) 
are you going to buy 
What _________ tomorrow? (you/do)
are you going to do
Julia ______ work. (not work) She's a student.
doesn't work
Sandra and Pedro ________ every afternoon. (exercise)
My sister ______ a new book this week. (read)
is reading
Tomorrrow monring, I _____ a new book (read)
am going to read
We _______ for the exam we have on Friday. (not study) We know everything.
aren't going to study
She _____ to the radio at the moment. (listen)
is listening
We _______ to the beach tomorrow. (go)
are going to go
Tom never _____ in the afternoon (swim)
Mary never ____ you. (call)
I sometimes ____ to the cinema. (go)
Next month, I ____ school. (start)
am going to start