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Where is...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the United States?
Here is the United States.
Where is Arizona?
Here is Arizona.
Where is Nevada?
Here is Nevada.
Where is Texas?
Here is Texas.
Where is California?
Here is California.
Where is Venezuela?
Here is Venezuela.
Where is Afghanistan?
Here is Afghanistan.
Where is Honduras?
Here is Honduras.
Where is El Salvador?
Here is El Salvador.
Where is Mexico?
Here is Mexico.
Where is Guatemala?
Here is Guatemala.
Where is a poster?
Here is a poster.
Where is the board?
Here is the board.
Where is the speaker?
Here is the speaker.
Where is the chair?
Here is the chair.
Where is the bulletin board?
Here is the bulleting board.
Where are the blinds?
Here are the blinds.
Where is the table?
Here is the table.
Where is the US Flag?
There is the flag.
Where is the wall?
Here is the wall.
Where is the bookcase?
Here is the bookcase.
Where is the screen?
Here is the screen.
Where is the window?
Here is the window.
Where is the teacher's desk?
Here is the teacher's desk.
Where is the clock?
There is the clock.
Where is the door?
Here is the door.