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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The deadline they’ve set for this project is ambitious. (To indicate that are worse things apart from this critique)
To put it mildly / To say the least
He’s terribly unpunctual, although he does do a good job when he finally turns up. (To mention there are good aspects besides the critique)
To give someone their due / To be fair / In all fairness
I agree that he’s got some interesting things to say, but I just wish he’d shut up and listen to other people occasionally. (To express respect)
With respect / With all due respect / Don't get mre wrong
Chris, your comments aren’t really relevant to the topic we’re discussing. (To express respect)
With respect / With all due respect / Don't get mre wrong
Her results aren’t as good this year, though she’s been off school a lot with various health problems. (To mention there are good aspects besides the critique)
To give someone their due / To be fair / In all fairness
I thought the food they served was unimaginative. (To exemplify)
Shall we say / How shall I put it / Let me put it this way
All of their music sounds a bit similar, but they do it well. (To mention there are good aspects besides the critique)
To give someone their due / To be fair / In all fairness
he way you dress is a bit too casual for this workplace. (To start giving a critique)
I'm bound to say / I have to say
Some of the decisions you’ve been making lately have been eccentric. (To indicate that are worse things apart from this critique)
To put it mildly / To say the least