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Teens - Easter

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The Easter Bunny originated in which country? a. Germany b. Greece c. Scotland d. the Ukraine
a. Germany
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Speaking: How will this Easter be different from other Easters?
Speaking: What special Easter traditions do you and your family have?
Speaking: What is your favourite Easter food?
Speaking: What is your favourite Easter memory?
Speaking: What is your favourite thing about Easter?
Speaking: How do people spend Easter in Poland?
Speaking: What is Easter?
NAME 5 ... Spring flowers
NAME 5 ... Jelly Bean flavours
NAME 5 ... Easter food
NAME 5 ... Easter traditions
NAME 5 ... Easter animals
Which country has the largest Easter egg collection? a. Sweden b. Norway c. Poland d. Canada
c. Poland
Pysanka is a traditional way of painting Easter Eggs. In which country does this method originate? a. Israel b. The US c. Portugal d. The Ukraine
d. The Ukraine
76% of people eat which part of an Easter bunny first? a. ears b. legs c. arms
a. ears
What color were the first Easter eggs? a. blue b. red c. white
b. red
Where is the most famous Easter parade held? a. Washington b. London c. New York d. Berlin
c. New York
How many chocolate Easter bunnies are made each year? a. 1 million b. 45 million c. 70 million d. 90 million
d. 90 million
Riddle: How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?
Just one, because then it isn’t empty anymore.
Riddle: What kind of music does the Easter Bunny like?
Riddle: When does Valentine’s Day come after Easter?
In the dictionary.
Riddle: Sometimes these are hollow And have chocolate inside Other times they’re real And you paint their outside
Riddle: How does Easter end?
With the letter R
Where in the world?
England - Every year, children gather for the traditional Easter egg hunt.
Where in the world?
Poland - The first sign of approaching Easter in Poland is a large number of branches and dried flowers being brought to church.
Where in the world?
Canada - This giant Easter Egg statue is made of 524 star-shaped pieces and 2208 equilateral triangles. It spins in the wind and weighs 5000 pounds (2200 kilos)
Where in the world?
Japan - Many companies make cute Easter themed desserts and snacks.
Where in the world?
Russia - Celebrated last week, Palm Sunday is known as Verbena Sunday in Russia because that plant's branches are used during the liturgy that starts the Holy W
Where in the world?
Brazil -Brazilian Catholics walk over a sawdust carpet during an Easter Sunday procession representing the resurrection of Christ
Where in the world?
Spain - The “Nazarenos” are the members of the “cofradías” who participate in the processions. They are also known as the “penitentes” (penitent ones).
Where in the world?
New York - Check out this year's offerings of bonnets, hats, costumes, and everything Easter at the 2013 Easter parade & bonnet festival.
Where in the world?
Scotland - For more than four decades, thousands of families have enjoyed this incredible event where hundreds of bikers ride through the streets of Glasgow in