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Prepositions of time

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ 100 years, will we still be eating turkey _____ Christmas?
In100 years, will we still be eating turkey at Christmas?
____ last weekend, my brother went snowmobiling.
[NP] last weekend, my brother went snowmobiling.
She will arrive in Paris _____ midday.
She will arrive in Paris at midday.
Are you going to the concert _____ Saturday? It starts _____ 7:30 _____ the evening.
Are you going to the concert on Saturday? It starts at 7:30 in the evening.
The best music was performed _____ the 1980s.
The best music was performed in the 1980s.
What are your holiday plans _____ Easter?
What are your holiday plans at Easter?
We will fly to Greenland _____ tomorrow.
We will fly to Greenland [NP] tomorrow.
What did you do ____ last Tuesday?
What did you do [NP] last Tuesday?
The tour will depart ____ Friday evening
The tour will depart on Friday evening
My mum plays football _____ every Friday.
My mum plays football [NP] every Friday.
I am going cross country skiing _____ the weekend.
I am going cross country skiing on the weekend.
We only sail _____ the evening _____ Sundays _____ summer.
We only sail in the evening on Sundays in summer.
Today I woke up _____ dawn.
Today I woke up at dawn.
- What do you want to do _____ the future? - _____ a year or two, I hope to work as an engineer.
- What do you want to do in the future? - In a year or two, I hope to work as an engineer.
- Why does she always call _____ dinnertime? - I know, it's really annoying.
- Why does she always call at dinnertime? - I know, it's really annoying.
We'll see more advanced AI later _____ this century.
We'll see more advanced AI later in this century.
They had a barbeque in their back yard _____ the spring ____ Saturday April, 13th.
They had a barbeque in their back yard in the spring on Saturday April, 13th.
Didn't it happen sometime _____ February _____ the 1980s?
Didn't it happen sometime in February in the 1980s?
We were both there _____ the same time.
We were both there at the same time.
We arrived _____ the airport in Copenhagen _____ about 6 o'clock.
We arrived at the airport in Dakar at about 6 o'clock.
I'm sorry, but she's busy _____ the moment.
I'm sorry, but she's busy at the moment.
Let's meet _____ around 3 pm.
Let's meet at the bus stop at around 3 pm.
My birthday is _____ summer. It's _____ July, _____ the 27th.
My birthday is in summer. It's in July, on the 27th.
What did you do _____ New Year's Eve?
What did you do on New Year's Eve?
He arrived _____ 9 o'clock _____ Thursday.
He arrived at 9 o'clock on Thursday.