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Reading Trophy 4 - Unit 7 Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What score do you think you will get on your speaking test?
Probably 0
Where might you find quicksand in Korea?
Anywhere along the coast/shore (Busan, Pohang, Ulsan, Incheon, etc...)
A leaf is floating on the ____________ of the water.
Amy is trying to lose _________.
Use the word "relax" in a sentence
Answers vary
Use the word "spring" in a sentence.
Answers vary
Use the word "struggle" in a sentence.
Answers vary
Use the word "drown" in a sentence.
Answers vary
If you fell into quicksand, what would you do?
Move slowly, relax, try to lay back, call 119
Mud is a __________ of water and dirt.
You should always wear a seat belt for _________.
A car crash can be ____________.
If the fire alarms ring, do not __________. Stay calm!
If you step in quicksand, what should you do?
You should move slowly.
Quicksand is a mixture of what?
A mixture of water and sand
How do you float on the surface of quicksand?
Move your arms and legs apart and lie on your back.
What happens when you struggle in quicksand?
The more you struggle, the faster you sink.
How deep can you sink in quicksand?
Only about 1 meter
Where can you find quicksand?
It can form along the shore of ponds or rivers.
Why is it called "quicksand"?
It refers to how fast and easily the sand moves in this state.