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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Family and friendship is _________________ money. (IMPORTANT)
Family and friendship is more important than money.
My mum is always ____________ my dad. (BUSY)
My mum is always busier than my dad.
The second exercise is ____________ the first one. (SIMPLE)
The second exercise is simpler than the first one.
Jim and Jack are both my friends, but I like Jack ________. (GOOD)
Jim and Jack are both my friends, but I like Jack better.
The rock flew ____________ the roof. (HIGH)
The rock flew higher than the roof.
Your dog runs ___________ Jim's dog. (FAST)
Your dog runs faster than Jim's dog.
This box is ____________ the one I lost. (SMALL)
This box is smaller than the one I lost.
I like cats __________ dogs. (GOOD)
I like cats better than dogs.
Caspar is ___________ my other cats. (FAT)
Caspar is fatter than my other cats.
This winter is considerably __________ last winter. (COLD)
This winter is considerably colder than last winter.
My new car is a lot _____________ my old rickety one. (QUIET)
My new car is a lot quieter than my old rickety one.
I found this assignment a little _________ the last one. (EASY)
I found this assignment a little easier than the last one.
You might be tall, but I am ______ . (TALL)
You might be tall, but I am taller
I need to buy a __________ phone. (MODERN)
I need to buy a more modern phone.
My brother is __________ me. (CLUMSY)
My brother is clumsier than me.
Max is _________ at maths ______ David, but is _______ at maths _____ Sarah. (GOOD/BAD)
Max is better at maths than David, but is worse at maths than Sarah.
Fruit is ___________ chocolate. (HEALTHY)
Fruit is healthier than chocolate.
Rafa Nadal is ___________ me at tennis. (GOOD)
Rafa Nadal is better than me at tennis.
Learning Japanese is _______________ learning Italian. (DIFFICULT)
Learning Japanese is more difficult than learning Italian.
The Earth is __________ the moon. (LARGE)
The Earth is larger than the moon.
A rose is ______________ a daisy. (BEAUTIFUL)
A rose is more beautiful than a daisy.
The Pacific Ocean is ___________ the Arctic Ocean. (DEEP)
The Pacific Ocean is deeper than the Arctic Ocean
Your grade is __________ mine. (BAD)
Your grade is worse than mine
Football balls are __________ golf balls. (BIG)
Football balls are bigger than golf balls.
My sister is __________ me. (OLD)
My sister is older then me.