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KN2 Units 1 and 2 review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People in southern Africa hunt Rhinos because they (think / are thinking) the horns have medicinal value
Munir Virani (doesn´t want / isn´t wanting) people to think of vultures as disgusting animals
doesn't want
Rhinos are a threatened species. Fortunately, the Rhino Rescue Project _____ something about it. (does / is doing)
is doing
If we realised that we are all somehow related, we would create a ______ world. (more kind / kinder)
Genetic studies have shown that we all _______ from the same ancestor (are coming / come)
Someone´s _______ is his or her their companion (husband / spouse)
Biologists (conduct / are conducting) research to know where vultures go.
are conducting
A species´ conservation status (represents / is representing) how threatened that species is
I have witnessed the baptism of one of my closest friend´s son. That makes him my _______ (nephew / godchild)
godchild / godson
Sumatran elephants (face / are facing) extinction because of illegal hunting
are facing
Vultures (clean up / are cleaning up) the bacteria so they help prevent the spread of disease
clean up
I have recently organized a large family reunion. ____ really ___________ to it. (am arranging / am looking forward)
am looking forward
I recently took an interest in genealogy as I want to learn who my ______ were. (ancestors / offspring)
My parents divorced and then my mother remarried a man called John. He is my....
Both the female and the male penguins ____ the incubation duties (are share / share)
Penguins _____ monogamous pairs for a breeding season (form / are forming)
Penguins typically _____ two eggs at the same time (are laying / lay)
A person with no _________ is an only child. (brothers / siblings)
People usually (have / are having) a bad impression of vultures
My friends and I ________ a spring themed party this weekend. Wanna come? (throw / are throwing)
are throwing
Panda numbers _____ as a result of deforestation (drop / are dropping)
are dropping
Mary is the sister of my wife. She´s my...