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Where did the Gritó de dolores take place
En Guanajuato.
In What day was finished the Mexican Independence
21 of the 1821
How start the independence.
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
One of the victories in the battle for the insurgent army took place on the monte de las cruces.
México was established as a Republic on September 28, 1821.
False was established as an Empire
Vicente Guerrero marched at the head of the army on September 27,1821.
False It was Iturbide
The heads of Hidalgo, Jiménez, Allende and Aldama were hung in the corners of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas in Puebla
False It was in Guanajuato.
On February 24, 1821 Iturbide proclaimed the plan of Iguala.
What das a famous phrase by José María Morelos y Pavón?
Dying Is nothing when one dies for the country
Who gives the cry of pain
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
In what day was the Independence Made?
16 of September of 1810