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In what year did the MCU start?
2008. This year was the start of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the release of Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk.
Who is this character?
Who was not on Team Captain American during Civil War?
Black Widow
What is Captain America’s shield made of?
What device powers the Iron Man suit?
Arc Reacter
Which actor played two different Marvel characters?
Chris Evans. This actor first played a Marvel character in the 2005 Fantastic Four film as the Human Torch.
What Infinity Stone is the Tesseract?
Space Stone
What is Hawkeye’s real name?
Clint Barton
What race helps Loki attack Earth in The Avengers?
What Marvel movie is rated-R ?
What group raised Star-Lord?
The Ravagers
What was Sam Wilson before he became Falcon?
A pararescue
How long was Captain America asleep?
70 years
What was the country Ultron wanted to use to destroy Earth?
Who is this character?
Ivan Vanko
Who was Bruce Baners love interest in The Incredible Hulk?
Betty Ross
What is the wi-fi password Kar Mordo hands to Doctor Strange?
Which of the following is Rocket not called in Guardians of the Galaxy?
Smelly chichilla
Triangle-faced monkey
Trash panda
Whos home serves as the "Safe House" the Avengers head to in Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron
Hawkeye's home
What do Haweye and Black Widow remember "very different"?
In the post-credits scene of Marvel's the Avengers, What type of restaurant are the Avengers shown eating at?
What is Sharon Carter's agent number?
In Ant-man, Scott Lang is fired from his job doing what?
Scooping ice cream
What "one thing on Earth" is Pepper Potts allergic to?
How does Yondu control the Yaka Arrow?
By whistling
Which of the following is not on Captain America's to-do list in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Miracle on Ice
Thai food
Moon landing
What is the name of Star-Lord / Peter Quill's mother?
Which avenger does Loki briefly take the form of in Thor: The Dark World?
Captain America
What is the name of the set of documents that regulate the activities of enhanced persons?
Sokovia accords
What is the name of the villain in Ant-man?
Thor's hammer MJÖLNIR is made of metal from the heart of a dying what?
What is the name of Marvel comic legend who has made an appearance in all the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Stan Lee
Where is Wakanda located?