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Conversation Starter & Random Game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kerjasama bilateral adalah
Kerjasama yang terjadi di antara 2 negara.
Hasil utama peternakan di Benua Australia adalah ...
Wol, susu, dan juga daging
Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia adalah ...
Ir. H. Soekarno
Siapakah orang yang ada di gambar?
Djuanda Kartawirdjaja
Perilaku membeli atau memakai barang-barang secara berlebihan tanpa melihat nilai gunanya, disebut?
Perilaku konsumerisme
10 anggota ASEAN yaitu ...
Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Kamboja, Filipina, Brunei Darussalam, dan Myanmar.
Organisasi pertama yang didirikan oleh bangsa Indonesia dan beranggotakan mahasiswa STOVIA.
Budi Utomo
Raja terakhir di Kerajaan Kediri yang dikenal membawa keruntuhan kerajaan tersebut adalah ...
Raja Kertajaya
Brahmana adalah ...
Sekelompok pendeta beragama Hindu yang ahli dalam urusan agama, adat, adab dan tulisan.
Sungai terluas di dunia adalah ...
Sungai Amazon
Patung-patung batu ini berlokasi di?
The Easter Island, in Chile
The Kremlin is in Moscow. It is a ... fortified complex that looks like a fairytale castle.
One of the most iconic attractions in ... is the windmill.
The Netherlands (Holland)
Sebutkan nama negara dengan huruf akhir Q
What bad habits do you wish you could stop?
Scavenger: Find something school related.
If someone gave you $10.000, what would you buy with it?
What’s your dream job?
Name 5 things you can do on a cell phone or tablet.
Play video games, listen to music, watch movies, text people, call people, take pictures, e-mail
What does success mean to you?
What's the best thing about never having any money?
Scavenger: Find something fluffy.
Be rich and famous, or have super powers but nobody knows it.
Where do you want to be ten years from now? make predictions about your life 10 years in the future.
What do you most like about yourself? What do you like the least?