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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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George Washington was the first President of the United States. What is the author trying to do?
Wilson ran to the fridge right after he got home and sank his face into the chocolate cake he had gotten. What is the author trying to do?
Maddie had gotten her dog after a long wait,and they bonded right after. What is the author trying to do?
The 9/11 attacks killed many people and left many injured or sick. What is the author trying to do?
Do you like adventure and fun? Then read Magic Tree House!  You will enjoy all of them. What is the author trying to do?
Jane and her brother dashed across the field. They found a ladybug and named it Daisy. What is the author trying to do?
Converse was founded in February of 1908. What is the author trying to do?
Sarah went to her room, and a monster jumped out from under her bed! It was her mom! What is the author trying to do?
Now 50% off! Come and get a foot massage before the deal is done! What is the author trying to do?