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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name that Verb
talk, talked
Name that Verb
tell, told
Name that Verb
throw, threw
Name that Verb
walk, walked
Name that Verb
wipe, wiped
Name that Verb
wash, washed / clean,cleaned
Name that Verb
work, worked
Name that Verb
write, wrote
Name that Verb
swing, swung
Name that Verb
swim, swum
Name that Verb
stop, stopped
Name that Verb
stand, stood
Name that Verb
sleep, slept
Name that Verb
sit, sat
Name that Verb
sing, sang
Name that Verb
show, showed
Name that Verb
shout, shouted
Name that Verb
scrub, scrubed
Name that Verb
run, ran
Name that Verb
pull, pulled
Name that Verb
pour, poured
Name that Verb
point, pointed
Name that Verb
play, played
Name that Verb
paint, painted
Name that Verb
open, opened
Name that Verb
look, looked
Name that Verb
unlock, unlocked
Name that Verb
lift, lifted
Name that Verb
laugh, laughed
Name that Verb
knock, knocked
Name that Verb
kick, kicked
Name that Verb
jump, jumped
Name that Verb
hop, hopped
Name that Verb
Name that Verb
give, gave
Name that Verb
go, went
Name that Verb
follow, followed
Name that Verb
fold, folded
Name that Verb
fly, flew
Name that Verb
float, floated
Name that Verb
eat, ate
Name that Verb
drive, drove
Name that Verb
drink, drank
Name that Verb
dream, dreamed
Name that Verb
dig, dug
Name that Verb
dance, danced
Name that Verb
cut, cut
Name that Verb
cook, cooked
Name that Verb
cry, cried
Name that Verb
come, came
Name that Verb
color, colored
Name that Verb
close, closed
Name that Verb
climb, climbed
Name that Verb
clean, cleaned
Name that Verb
catch, caught
Name that Verb
Call, called
Name that Verb
brush, brushed
Name that verb.
bite , bit