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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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the part of the face above the eyebrows
the state in which two people are aware of looking directly into one another's eyes.
eye contact
What is the glabella?
the smooth prominence between the eyebrows
Why can lying be a slippery slope?
you can get used to it.
What type of phrases do liers tend to use?
repeated, recycled
What are some of the voice changes produced when you lie?
voice gets louder, change the tone
to close and open the eyes quickly, once or several times
Enumerate some of the altered reactions produced on the nervous system when somebody lies
heart beating, excessive sweating, swallowing, blinking
when lying, the ...............and .................. rates get altered
heart and breathing rates
Liers usually : ............ their legs, ........ their fingers and ........... their hands
shake, tap, wave
a minor or careles mistake
slip up
Liers tend to use them in order to create mental space between the story and themselves.
distant pronouns
the conscious and unconsciuos movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are communicatedd
body language
to partly close your eyes in order to see more clearly
a small ridge or furrow especially formed on a surface by shrinking opr contraction of a smooth surface. Specifically one in the skin is caused by age, worry or fatigue.
to contract the brow in displeasure or concentration
a movement usually of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment or attitude
A popular term for the observation that the telling of lies results in changes in temperaturature around the nose and other physical reactions.
Pinnocchio effect
The act of causing someone to accept as true or valid waht is false or invalid.