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LINK5 Review of there is/are, have got, has got  ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There ___ three bedrooms in my house, one in the attic and two downstairs.
___ there an attic in your house?
There ____ a museum in our town, but there is a library.
___ there 1500 students at your school?
There _____ a garage because we haven't got a car.
He hasn't/ haven't got a laptop in his bedroom.
You hasn't / haven't got a cinema in your town.
In his town he has / have got a garage.
I hasn't / haven't got a shopping centre near my house.
In our city we has / have got a swimming pool.
Zdanie z There is/are: two plants / next to the TV (?)
Are there two plants next to the TV?
Zdanie z There is/are: TV / in the dining room (-)
There isn't a TV in the dining room.
Zdanie z There is/are: bathroom / next to my bedroom (+)
There is a bathroom next to my bedroom.
Zdanie z There is/are: cinema / in your town (?)
Is there a cinema in your town?
Zdanie z There is / are: 500 bikes / at school (-)
There aren't 500 bikes at school.