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Present Simple vs. Present Progressive

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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...... (you / drive) to work tomorrow?
Are you driving
You can't see Tim now; he ..... (have) a bath.
is having
I ...... (think) about moving to Norway.
am thinking
I ...... (think) she's from Norway.
They ...... (take) the seven o’clock train.
are taking
...... (Tony / live) near the park?
Does Tony live
What time ..... (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
are you meeting
'What’s that noise?' 'Somebody ...... (practise) the piano.'
is practising
Oak trees ...... (grow) very slowly.
‘Where is Kate?’ ‘She ...... (watch) TV in the living room.’
is watching
My dog ..... (not / eat) vegetables.
doesn't eat
Do you know anyone who ..... (speak) Italian?
I ...... (not / drink) coffee very often.
don't coffee
She ...... (not / go) to the cinema often.
doesn't go
...... (you / come) to the cinema later?
Are you coming
...... (he / eat) rice every day?
Does he eat
My flatmate ...... (always / leave) the kitchen in a mess!
is always leaving
Water ...... (boil) at 100°C.