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ESL Reading Comprehension: Rosa's Story

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read the story: https://bit.ly/36TLiDK
Read the story
Correct this sentence: Maria have 5 children, but Rosa don't has any children.
Rosa has 3 children, but Maria doesn't have any children.
Correct this sentence: Rosa's a musician and like to sing, dance an play the piano.
Maria's a musician and likes to sing, dance and play the guitar.
Correct the sentence: Maria don't likes pizza, but she like to sees her sisster.
Maria doesn't like pizza, but she likes to see her sister.
Correct the sentence: Maria have long brown straight hare
Rosa has long brown straight hair.
What are they doing?
They are eating.
They is talking.
They spending time together.
They is sit in restaurant.
Maria is...
curly hair
at the park
The two women are...
the same
at the park
Who is tall?
Maria's mother
Maria's brother
Who likes to dance?
Maria's sisters
Where are they eating?
California Pizza Kitchen
Maria's house
the park