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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What country would you find this temple?
What year did the United States become a country? 1500, 1776, or 1865?
Was Granite Park Junior High was built in the 1940's, 1960's, or 2000's?
The 1940's
What country would you find this famous landmark?
Saudi Arabia
What country would you find this structure?
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
What country would you find this structure?
Where can you find this mountain?
Mt. Kilamanjaro - Kenya, Africa
What does PRIDE stand for?
Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, and Excellence.
What is the motto of Granite Park Junior High?
"Dreaming of College and Beyond!"
What Granite Park Teacher is this?
Mrs. Mirajes
What Granite Park Teacher is this?
Mrs. Mirajes
What are two sports teams from Salt Lake City?
The Utah Jazz, Salt Lake Real, Salt Lake Bees,Utah Grizzlies, University of Utah,
What state is Mr. Mitchell from?
What world event happened in Utah in 2002?
The Winter Olympics
Who is this guy?
Brigham Young
Who is this guy?
Governor Gary Herbert
What region of Utah is this?
The Rocky Mountain Region (Deer Valley)
What region of Utah is this?
Colorado Plateau
What region of Utah is this?
The Great Basin (Bonneville Salt Flats)
This lake is so salty that you will float if you jump in it.
The Great Salt Lake