Edit Game
Basic English

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pergunte a alguém de onde a pessoa é (in English).
Where are you from?
Pergunte a alguém qual é o trabalho da pessoa (in English).
What's your job? / What (work) do you do?
Pergunte a alguém qual é o nome da mãe da pessoa (in English).
What is your mother's name?
One hundred dollars / a hundred dollars
A hamburger and _____ (5 letters)
A cup of _____ (6 letters).
This is a slice of _____ (5 letters)
Twelve dollars.
One dollar, fifty / One dollar and fifty cents
Show us a HAT or a CAP.
This is a cap.
Pergunte se alguém está com frio (in English).
Are you cold?
What color are your eyes?
Brown / Green / Gray / Blue / etc.
What language do you speak?
Portuguese / English / Spanish / etc.
Pergunte a idade de alguém (in English).
How old are you?
This is a ____ (5 letters).
Show us something ROUND.
This is a round shape.
Show us something orange.
This is the orange color.
Show us a pencil case.
This is a pencil case.
Show us a CAT.
This is a cat.
Show us an ERASER.
This is an eraser.
This is the ____ (4 letters)
____(4 letters)