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Intermediate Final Grammar Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I remember ______ (meet) her for the first time.
She seems _______ (be) busy right now.
to be busy
The children are getting ready for performance. The costumes _______ (check) right now..
are being checked
We ______(suppose/meet) the deadlines.
are supposed to meet
What _____ you _____(do)? You look exhausted.
have you been doing
We can’t come to the party because we _______ (visit) my parents’ anniversary .
are visiting
These photographs _______ (just/take). There is a camera over there.
have just been taken
I _______(already/eat) lunch by the time he came.
had already eaten
His furniture ___________(make) by Italian designers last century.
was made
I’ve decided ________ (take up) a new hobby.
to take up
What ______(happen) if we keep _____(eat) unhealthy food?
will happen, eating
It was very foggy but he managed ______ (find) the way home
to find
Luckily I _______ (write) the report before the light switched off.
had written
I ______(give) you some money if you had told me you needed it
would have given
Jack is really a bright student. He seems ______ (know) the answers to all questions
to know
A new school ______(build) in the city centre at the moment
is being built
- Let’s go for a walk somewhere? - OK. I ______ (finish) homework later.
'll finish
I _______(not know) how to contact you because I ______(lose) your phone number.
didn't know, had lost
On holiday last year, I ________(run) along the street when I suddenly ______ (see) your daughter crossing the road.
was running, saw
If you _______ (not water) the plants, they ________ (die)
don't water, die
We _______ (watch) a TV show when they came home.
were watching
I decided _______(stay) at home because I feel dizzy
to stay
She _______ (meet) him when she studied in school
A lot of books _______ (sell) here every year.
are sold
I _________ (do) house chores all morning! I’m exhausted!
I've been doing
We _______ (fly) to Greece in April. I’ve booked the tickets
are flying
We _______(be) married for 10 years now
have been
1. If I ______ (hear) my alarm clock this morning, I wouldn’t have been late for the lesson
had heard