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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a question and answer: visit / How / often / do / your / you / grandparents?
How often do you visit your grandparents?
Name 3 chores you help your mom at home.
sweep the floor, clean the room, pick up clothes, do the dishes
Name 3 ways to save energy
Turn off the lights, save water, use the LED lights.
Make a sentence: after lunch. / do / the dishes / often / I
I often do the dishes after lunch.
Make a question and answer: take / How / a / often / do / shower? / you
How often do you take a shower?
True or False: In 1900, there were dishwashers or microwaves.
False. In 1900, there weren't dishwashers or microwaves.
Find the mistakes: In 1900, there was horses and bicycles.
Find the mistakes: In 1900, there wasn't a fire for cooking.
Find the mistakes: In 1900, there wasn't big houses.
Find the mistakes: In 1900, there was electricity.
Name 4 bad feelings
Worried, sad, angry, scared, tired
Make a question and answer: any / are / there / grapes?
Are there any grapes? Yes, they are.
Make a question and answer: any / are / there / tomatoes?
Are there any tomatoes? No, they aren't.
Make a question and answer: How … ? They are …
How much are the onions? It’s $1.75. How much are the green beans? It’s $2.00.
Make a question and answer: How … ? It’s …
How much is the mayonnaise? It’s $4.00.
Find the mistakes: It isn’t raining! We can’t ride our bikes in the park.
Find the mistakes: We can play soccer in the classroom.
Make a sentence: parents’ / have / our / get / permission / to / we
We have to get our parents' permission.
Make a sentence: to / have / school / go / to / don’t/ we/ on the weekend
We don't have to go to school on the weekend.
Make a sentence: school / have / uniform / to / a / wear / we
We have to wear a school uniform.