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passive voice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you painted the room?
Has the room been painted?
Have they noticed us?
Have we been noticed?
Has she phoned him?
Has he been phoned?
Have they built a tree house?
Has a tree house been built? by them
Has somebody done all the work?
Has all the work been done? (by somebody)
Has someone posted my parcel yet?
Has my parcel been posted yet? (by someone)
Have you watered the flowers?
Have the flowers been watered? (by you)
Have they said anything?
Has anything been said? (by them)
Have they found the keys?
Have the keys been found? (by Them)
She has not used the tablet for days.
The tablet has not been used for days. (By her)
Somebody has stolen Peter's car.
Peter's car has been stolen. (by Somebody)
Joe and Gerry have never played rugby.
Rugby has never been played. (by Joe and Gerry)
He has not cleaned the kitchen yet.
The kitchen has not been cleaned. (by him)
Tim has forgotten the sandwiches.
The sandwiches have been forgotten. (by Tim)
We have not sold the bike.
The bike has not been sold. (by us)
I have bought the tickets.
The tickets have been bought. (by me)
Rick has interviewed the lady.
The lady has been interviewed. (by rick)
They have opened a new shop.
A new shop has been opened. (by them)