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Think of a Word

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Think of a word...
fly, flap, wings, blue, bird
Think of a word...
danger, skull, death, crossbones, green
Think of a word...
world, home, planet, Earth
Think of a word...
clean, wash, clothes
Think of a word...
burn, hot, flame, fire
Think of a word...
sleep, nap, rest, fox
Think of a word...
drive, fast, vehicle, pink car, open doors
Think of a word...
block, build, play, Minecraft, game
Think of a word...
honey, sting, buzz, bee
Think of a word...
desert, sand, hump, camel
Think of a word...
cold, long, neck, scarf
Think of a word...
tea, sweet, drink, jelly, bubble
Think of a word...
punch, break, thumbs up, good
Think of a word...
lemon, yellow, power, electricity
Think of a word...
potato, cat, brown, bouncing
Think of a word...
shoot, score, kick, soccer, ball
Think of a word...
juggle, flick, soccer, kick
Think of a word...
chef, cook, vegetables, heart
Think of a word...
lonely, sad, tears, pink heart
Think of a word...
slice, pizza, heart
Think of a word...
music, hit, drums
Think of a word...
love, frog, queen, princess
Think of a word...
grow, green, plant, leaves
Think of a word...
birthday, party, celebrate, popper