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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Grać w gry komputerowe.
Play computer games.
Iść do szkoły.
Go to school.
Iść spać.
Go to bed.
Jeść obiad.
Have dinner.
Rano myję zęby.
I brush my teeth in the morning.
OglÄ…dam telewizjÄ™ wieczorem.
I watch tv in the evening.
Która jest godzina? - Wpół do 8.
What time is it? -It's half past seven.
Jem śniadanie kwadrans po ósmej.
I have breakfast at quarter past eight.
WstajÄ™ o 7.30.
I get up at half past seven.
Nie lubię poniedziałków.
I don't like Mondays.
Moimi ulubionymi miesiącami są lipiec i sierpień.
My favourite months are july and august.
Moja siostra nie odrabia prac domowych.
My sister doesn't do her homework.
Mój brat ogląda telewizor po południu.
My brother watches tv in the afternoon.
BiorÄ™ prysznic w nocy.
I take shower at night.
Lubię płatki z mlekiem.
I like cereal with milk.
Jest jakiś miód?
Is there any honey?
Jest jakaÅ› czekolada?
Is there any chocolate?
W lodówce nie ma żadnego soku!
There isn't any juice in the fridge!
Na stole jest jabłko.
There is an apple on the table.
There aren't ______ apples. SOME/ANY/A/AN
There are _____ eggs. SOME/ANY/A/AN
There is _____ cheese. SOME/ANY/A/AN
There isn't ______ milk. SOME/ANY/A/AN
Która jest godzina? -8.
What time is it? - It's eight o'clock.
Nie lubiÄ™ marchewek. Lubie hot dogi.
I don't like carrots. I like hot dogs.
Czy twój brat lubi kanapki? - Tak, lubi.
Does you brother like sandwiches? -yes, he does.
Lubisz kiełbasę? -Nie, nie lubię!
Do you like sausage? -No, I don't.