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3rd - 5th Mega Review!!!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The result of dividing
The result of multiplying
The result of subracting
The result of adding
a letter in the expression that represents a number
Two curved lines used to enclose a quantity ( )
Order of Operations
A set of rules for simplifying numerical expressions
A mathematical phrase with numbers and symbols
An exponent
Exponential Form
A number written with an exponent
A number raised to a power
A number that tells how many times another number (the base) is used as a factor
A number that is multiplied
straight angle
an angle that measures exactly 180 degrees
right angle
an angle that measures exactly 90 degrees
obtuse angle
an angle measuring greater than 90 degrees
acute angle
an angle measuring less than 90 degrees
two line segments that share a vertex
two line segments that do not share a vertex and are on opposite sides of the poloygon
a side of a figure, a line segment that intersects two other line segments at vertices
perpendicular line segments
two line segments that intersect at a right angle (90 degree)
parallel line segments
two or more line segments that run side by side and NEVER intersect
line segment
a line with two end points
6 sided figure
5 sided figure
equilateral triangle
all three sides are congruent
scalene triangle
no sides are congruent (have the same length)
isosceles triangle
at least two sides that are congruent
obtuse triangle
has an obtuse angle (greater than 90°)
acute triangle
3 acute angles (less than 90°)
right triangle
has a right angle (one angle is 90°)
perpendicular lines
2 lines that intersect to create a right angle
parallel lines
2 lines that will never intersect if continued on
vertex (vertices)
Where 2 or more lines intersect, corner (plural)
2 pairs of parallel side, 4 sides that are congruent, 4 right angles.
2 pairs of parallel sides, 2 pairs of opposite sides that are the same length, 4 right angles
2 pairs of adjacent sides that are the same length
2 pairs of parallel sides, 4 sides that are the same length
at least 1 pair of parallel sides
2 pairs of parallel side, 2 pairs of opposite sides that are the same length
a 4 sided figure
a 2D figure with at least 3 closed straight lines.
three dimensionalhaving height, width, and depth
any of the surfaces of a 3-D figure
rectangular prism
a prism that has rectangular bases
A prism with six square faces
the amount of space an object takes up
the bottom of a 3-D figure; length x width
how tall a figure measures
how wide a figure measures
how long a figure measures
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Description Writing
writing to describe
Compare & Contrast
Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout.
Problem & Solution Writing
The author identifies and describes a problem and then offers one or more possible solutions.
Chronological Writing
Presented in time order, from earliest to latest.
Cause & Effect Writing
The reason something happens and the result of it happening.
A word that means the same as another word
a word that means the opposite of another word
A common, often used expression that doesn't make sense if you take it literally.
a word that has the same sound but a different meaning as another word
the person telling the story
using text details and background knowledge to figure out information that isn't "right there' in the words on the page.
what someone thinks about something, can be supported, but cannot be proven right or wrong (best, worst, better, greatest, etc)
something that can be proven true or false
things that happen in a story
in order by time, first, next, then, later, last
when events or steps are in order
why a character acts the way they do, what they want
writing that is facts, about real people or things; biographies, informational writing
a story made up out of the author's imagination
when two or more things are being compared as having things the same or different
Figurative Language
a phrase that means something different that what is actually being said; ex: sarcasm, "as big as a house", exaggeration
Author's purpose
the reason the author wrote the passage or text - to teach, inform, entertain, convince, or persuade the reader
telling how two or more things are different
telling how two or more things are alike or different
how the character or author sees the events in the story or the topic
Point of View
the character who is telling the story, what someone thinks about the topic or the events
how the story makes you (the reader) feel
a character's emotions, may change many times throughout the story
trait, attribute
trait, characteristic
a word to describe a character's personality, usually does not change
a lesson or moral of the story, the theme, what the author wants you to learn
something that can be learned, usually about life
the important events in a story, including the problem and solution
when the problem of the story gets solved or the character learns to think about it a different way
usually the problem of the main character, what they want or are struggling against
what happens after the cause, the result of something
what happens first and makes something else happen
a reading passage, usually less than two pages
the actual words in a book or passage, or another name for a reading passage
tells or shows
words written below or next to an illustration that tells what it is about
a longer title that tells what the book or article is about with more details
the name of a section, tells what it is going to mostly be about
the name of a book or article
words on a diagram that show parts of something
a picture with labels that shows the parts of something or how it works
a picture of something real that is taken with a camera
any type of picture or diagram
a text feature that shows places
a text feature that shows important dates and events
more than one word, but less than a sentence
details or facts from the story that helps to prove an idea
helps to backup an idea, evidence
smaller facts or events in the story that may support the main idea
Main Idea
the big idea - what and what about it
when and where the story takes place
the people or animals the story is about
the lesson about life the author wants you to learn from the story
a title or short description of a picture
a line of text that says what the passage below it is about
text feature
parts of the text that help the reader find and learn information (ex:charts, bulleted lists, tables, captions, headings, etc.)
text structure
how the information within a written text is organized
A feeling of uncertainty and curiosity about what will happen next in a story
A personal belief about something. It cannot be proved.
A true statement that can be proved.
use background knowledge & context clues to make an educated guess
Words or word parts added to the END of a base word to change its meaning or part of speech
the bad guy or villain in the story
the good guy in the story; the main character
when the author gives hints about what is going to happen later on in the story
Character traits
qualities that describe a character Ex. Nice, mean, forgiving, playful, shy or funny
words or word parts added to the BEGINNING of a base word to make a new word
Imagery/Sensory Language
words that create pictures, or images in your mind. They use details about smells, sounds, colors, and taste to create strong images.
to break apart a section of text to better understand it
the spoken text between characters
to find differences
To find similarities
to go against
3rd Person Point of View
Told by a narrator NOT in the story(He, She, They, Them, Character Name)
1st Person Point of View
Told by a character in the story (Me, I, Us, We)
the person/thing telling the story
Author's Point of View/Perspective
the author's attitude toward the subject
Author's Purpose
Why the author wrote the story Ex: Persuade, Inform, or Entertain
words that mean the same thing
words that mean the opposite
events told in order of time
The order of events listed step by stepKey words: First, then, next, afterwards
a retelling of the most important parts of the story
the end of the story
the most exciting part of the story
the solution; what solves the problem
the problem in the story
when and where the story takes place
the overall message of the story
the events in a story
William B Travis
Hero of the Alamo. Became the leader of the men who decided to stay and fight. Wrote famous, "Victory or Death" letter.
The Mier Expedition
Texan were captured in Mexico. The men had to draw beans out of a cup. Those who drew and white bean were spared, but those who drew a black bean were...
Mariam (MA) Ferguson
First woman governor of Texas in 1925. Elected after her husband was impeached. She took a stand against racism and she cut taxes. She was re-elected...
Cynthia Ann Parker
She was captured by the Comanche Indians. Called the " White Comanche". Her son Quanah Parker became a famous Indian leader
Suzanne Dickenson
Santa Anna released her and her baby from the Alamo to tell Sam Houston about the defeat.
Jane Lon
Mother of Texas. Part of Stephen F Austin's Old 300 colonists.
Anson Jones
Last President of the Republic of Texas.
Mirabeau Lamar
Commanded the Texas Calvary during Battle of San Jacinto. Second president of Republic of Texas. Father of Texas Education in Texas
David Burnett
Ad interim president of the Republic of Texas government, Signed Treaty of Velasco
December 29, 1845
Texas became a state.
March 2
Texas Independence Day.
Senora Francisca Alvarez
Known as the "Angel of Goliad" for hiding some of the wounded Texas soldiers from the Mexican army
Battle of Goliad
James Fannin and his army were massacred by the Mexican army on March 27.
Battle of Gonzales
Nick-named "the Lexington and Concord of Texas". Had a white flag with "Come and Take it" written on it.
President George W Bush
43rd President of US in 2001-2009Governor of Texas in 1995 - 2000. Owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team
President George HW Bush
41st President of US from Houston, TX. He was also the Vice President under Ronald Reagan in 1981 - 1989. Director of CIA in 1976-1977.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
From Dennison, Texas. He was a general during WW2. 34th President
Nolan Ryan
from Alvin, TX. played baseball from the Houston Astros and Texas Rangers. Famous pitcher for his fast ball.
President Lyndon B Johnson
US President associated with Civil Rights movement, took over as President when John F Kennedy was assassinated. He was from Stonewall, Texas.
Barbara Jordan
First African American women elected to Texas Senate. She was also the first African Amercianfrom "Deep South" elected to US Congress. Served on the N...
Ann Richards
second female governor of Texas.
General Santa Anna
Mexican dictator during Texas Revolution
Audie Murphy
Most decorated US soldier of WW2 from Texas. National Hero
Stephen F. Austin
Father of Texas, brought Anglo-Americans to settle in Texas. Old 300, Texas state capital is named after him.
James Bowie
Texas pioneer, fought and died at the Alamo, invented the Bowie Knife
Sam Houston
First President of the Republic of Texas, Commander of the Texas Army, Hero of San Jacinto, First governor of the state of Texas. US Senator for state...
Johnson Space Center
home of NASA, located in Clear Lake, Tx. mission control for the moon was located here
Big Bend National Park
Texas wilderness of 700,000 acres. The Chalk, Chisos, and Christmas Mountains are located here.
King Ranch
Largest cattle ranch in Texas. 825,000 acres. Located in Kingsville, TX near Corpus Christi.
The Alamo
Located in San Antonio. Where 187 brave men were killed by the Mexican Army. Also known as Mission San Antonio de Valero.
Texas state flower.
Pecan Tree
Texas state tree. Pecan pie
Lone Star
On the state flag of Texas, and the nickname of Texas
Mocking Bird
Texas state bird. It imitates other birds, or other noises including a dog bark, or jack hammer
Texas produces more of this crop used for clothing than any other state.
Texas Longhorn
Mascot of the University of Texas, Texas is famous for this breed of cattle.
Texas Revolution
1835 - 1836, Texan colonists rebelled against the Mexican government. Several battles include the Alamo and San Jacinto
Battle of San Jacinto
Texas army lead by Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna and the Mexican army on April 21, 1836. Battle lasted 18 minutes.
Texas Rangers
law men that rode across Texas trying to keep law and order. Now part of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Texas Tea or Black Gold
nickname for oil, Texas' most important natural resource.
Spindle Top
Located in Beaumont this oil field started the biggest economic "boom" in Texas history
Corpus Christi
The famous King Ranch is located near this Gulf Coast city. It is the second busiest port in Texas.
Red River
This river separates Texas from Oklahoma. Gets it name from its color which is caused by its soil
San Antonio
The Battle of the Alamo took place here. Third largest city in Texas.
Part of the Metroplex. Home to the Dallas Cowboys. It hosts the Texas State Fair.
Largest city in the Texas Panhandle. Means 'yellow' in Spanish.
Rio Grande River
It forms the southern border between Texas and Mexico. It starts in Colorado and empties into the Gulf of Mexico
Fort Worth
The Trinity River flows through the center of this Texas city. Its nickname "Cowtown". Also part of the Metroplex
It is the largest city in Texas and the fourth largest in the USA. It is the largest port in Texas. It was the first capital city of Texas.Home to 201...
El Paso
this is the largest city located on the US and Mexico border.
This country (nation) is to the south of Texas
Sabine River
this river is the border between Texas and Louisiana
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana
These states border Texas
It is the capital of Texas, and the University of Texas is located her. Named after the "Father of Texas"
Gulf of Mexico
All of southeast Texas borders this body of water. The cities of Galveston, Corpus Christi, and Padre Island touch its shores.
A point where lines, rays, or line segments meet.
Venn Diagram
A diagram made of two or more circles that shows the relationship between two sets of data.
Unit Price
The price a single item or unit. (ex. $3.50 per pound)
An expression that is subtracted from another expression. (ex. 20 -11=18 11 is the subtrahend)
Scalene Triangle
A triangle in which no sides are congruent . They are all different lengths.
Right Triangle
A triangle in which an interior angle is a right angle
Right Angle
An angle that measures exactly 90 degrees
Regular Polygon
A polygon in which all sides are congruent and all angles are congruent. (ex. Squares are regular polygons)
A part of a line that has one endpoint and continues infinitely in one direction.
Prime Number
A whole number greater than 1 with exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. (ex. 7 is prime - the only factors are 1 and 7
A point is usually shown with a single dot and labeled with a capital letter. It has no dimensions.
Two lines or segments that intersect to form at least one right angle
Parallel Lines
Two or more lines that lie in the same plane and do not intersect.
A polygon with exactly 8 sides
Obtuse Angle
An angle with a measure greater than 90 and less than 180 degrees.
A polygon with exactly 9 sides
A number that is divisible by another number with no remainder. (ex. 3,6,9,12, 15 are all multiples of 3)
Line Segment
A part of a line with two endpoints, one on each end
Line of Symmetry
A line that divides a figure into two congruent mirror images of each other
Leg (of a Right Triangle)
Each of the two sides that form the right angle in a right triangle
Leg (of an Isosceles Triangle)
Each of the two congruent sides of an isosceles triangle
Least Common Denominator
The least common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions. (ex. The least common denominator of ¼ and 3/10 is 20)
A triangle with two congruent sides. The angels opposite the two legs are also congruent.
A counting number or zero
A polygon with exactly 6 sides
A polygon with exactly 7 sides
A relation in which each input value is directly associated with exactly one output value
Factor Pair
A pair of whole numbers with a product equal to the number under consideration (ex. 2 & 7 are a factor pair of 14)
Expanded Form
A whole or decimal number written as the sum or single-digit multiples of powers of 10. (ex. 735.2 = 700+30+5+.02)
Equilateral Triangle
A triangle where all the sides are the same length and all the angles are the 60 degrees.
The number by which another number is divided. (ex. 24 divided by 6 6 is the divisor)
A unit of measure for the inclination of an angle.
Decimal Notation
A number written with base 10 place values that a smaller than one. (ex. 0.25, 25.624)
A polygon with exactly 10 sides
Composite Number
A whole number greater than 1 that is not a prime number
. The inclination between intersecting lines
Adjacent Angles
Two angles with a common side and a common vertex but no overlap
(between 0 and 90 degrees)
Acute Triangle
A triangle in which all interior angels are acute
Acute Angle
. An angle with a measure greater than 0 and less than 90 degrees
When dividing one number by another, the number that is being divided. Example: 24 - 6 = 24 is the dividend
Whole Numbers
A counting number or zero
. The amount of space that is in a 3-D shape. Called cubic units
Unit Square
A square with each side 1 unit in length. The area of a unit square is 1 square unit.
A polygon with exactly 3 sides, 3 angles, and 3 vertices.
. A parallelogram with all sides and angles equal. A square is also a rectangle and a rhombus
Digital Time
Time shown on a digital clock. Hours, minutes, and seconds are separated by :. Example: 11:03:20 = 11 hours, 3 minutes, 20 seconds
Analog Time
Time shown on a traditional two or three hand clock. The wall clock in the classroom shows analog time.
Tally Chart
A table or chart in which tally marks (instead of numbers or pictures) are used to record data.
The answer to a problem when you add two or more numbers.
Four sided, closed shape where opposite sides are the same length.
Exactly the same length.
. A parallelogram with all sides congruent.
The answer to a problem when you divide one number by another number.
A polygon with exactly 4 sides.
The answer to a problem when you multiply one or more numbers.
Also called a shape
A closed 2-D shape. Each side is a line segment and intersects exactly two other sides. Each point of intersection creates a vertex or point.
A shape with no dimensions- no length, width, or height. Examples: An infinitely thin sheet of flat glass that goes in all directions forever.
Place Value
The value of the place a digit is in, in a number. This is not the same as the value of the digit. Example: In the number 120. The 2 is in the ten's p...
A chart that uses pictures to show numbers of things being graphed.
The distance around the outside of a circle.
The distance around the outside of a closed, 2-D shape.
A polygon with exactly 5 sides.
Order of Operations
The rules that tell the order math operations (+, -, x, etc.) are done when there is more than one operation.
The dividend in a fraction or ratio OR The top number in a fraction or ratio. Example: In 7/8, 7 is the numerator.
Number Sentence
A math statement that always has a relation symbol (=, < , >). Example: 2 + 3 = 5. 4 > 5
Number Line
A graph that shows real numbers as ordered points on a line starting with 0. It can go in a positive or negative direction.
Line Plot
A graph where the data are single points on a number line and how often something happens is shown by dots or x's. Unless stated, each dot or x stands...
An straight set of points that goes on for infinity or forever.
A ratio of two numbers. It is written in the form a/b. (b cannot = 0)
A whole number that can divide another whole number with no remainder (left over). Example: 1, 3, 5, 15 are all factors of 15.
A 2-D figure (also called a plane figure) that is one side of a 3-D figure. Example: A pyramid (3-D) sits on a square (2-D) face.
Two or more math statements that have the same value. 2 + 9 and 10 + 1 both = 11. They are equivalent
A math sentence relating two equal parts or expressions. 6 + 9 = 15 or 9 +6 = 15
The divisor in a ratio or fraction or The bottom number in a fraction or ratio. Example: In 7/8, 8 is the denominator.
Commutative Property
(Addition and Multiplication ONLY) The property that says the order of adding or multiplying the numbers does not make a difference. a + b = b + a
Bar Graph
A type of data display that shows how often something happens using bars to show the data
Average or Mean
The number found by dividing the sum of a set of numbers by the total amount of numbers added.
Associative Property
(Addition and Multiplication ONLY) The property that says the grouping of addends or factors does not make a difference. (a+b)+c = (b+c)+a
A rectangular arrangement of objects or number. All rows are the same length and all columns are the same length.
The measure, in square units, of the interior of a plane figure
A number or expression that is added to another number or expression
The breaking down of rocks and other materials on the Earth's surface.
Volcanic Eruption
The sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material.phr. an explosion which causes burning rocks to be thrown out of a volcano
the color of a mineral's powder
South Pole
90 degrees Souththe southernmost point of the Earth's axis
Solar Energy
energy from the sun
A type of rock that forms when particles from other rocks or the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented togetherRock formed when layer...
The spinning motion of a planet on its axis
to force back
A transformation that "flips" a figure over a mirror or reflection line.
A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area
A living thing
The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
North Pole
the northernmost point of the Earth's axis90 degrees north latitude
a behavior that an organism inherits
A nutrient that occurs naturally in rocks or soil; needed by the body in small amounts.Inorganic compounds essential for normal metabolism, growth and...
Learned Behavior
a behavior an animal learns from its parents
a slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff
inherited behavior
a set of actions that a living thing is born with and does not need to learn
A type of rock that forms from the cooling of molten rock at or below the surface.
Measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched
The trace or remains of an organism that lived long ago, most commonly preserved in sedimentary rock
Processes by which rock, sand, and soil are broken down and carried away (i.e. weathering, glaciation)
The shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth's surface.
Breaking apart along flat surfaces
Being of use; helpful; favorable
An imaginary line that passes through Earth's center and the North and South poles, about which Earth rotates
To pull togetherto draw something to yourself (like magnets)
to soak up or take in
A type of rock that forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions.
the force of repulsion (pushing) or attraction (pulling) between poles of magnets
Noun: The place or type of place where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives or grows.
Noun: The conditions that surround someone or something.
involving a lot of different but connected parts in a way that is difficult to understand
to make clear or easier to understand
A restatement of a text or passage in other words.
Words/phrases not same literal meaning as words composed of (example: ts raining cats and dogs)
Attitude a writer takes toward the audience, a subject, or a character
A device in literature where an object represents an idea.
Technique that keeps the reader guessing what will happen next
Phrases or sentences of a similar construction/meaning placed side by side, balancing each other
to explain the meaning of
A warning or indication of a future event
Examine and judge carefully.
(v.) - to distinguish, to make different
Arranged in order of time of occurrence
Placing information, concepts, and actions in order
A type of thinking. To determine various component parts and examine their nature and relationship.
A short saying that expresses a general truth about human nature.
A comparison of two different things that are similar in some way
conclude (conclusion)
To decide something after considering all of the information
verb - briefly retelling in your own words the main ideas and most important details
to hint
A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
End of the story where loose ends are tied up
falling action
Events after the climax, leading to the resolution
The climax or turning point of a narrative work is its point of highest tension or drama or when the action starts in which the solution is given.
A narrative device, often used at the beginning of a work that provides necessary background information about the characters and their circumstances.
Sequence of events in a story
to carry or transmit; to communicate
the various methods of communicating information(the internet, social apps, newspapers, magazines, tv)
sound technique
control the sound of the poem
visual technique
Develop a picture to represent each major concept(what is the movie playing in your head?)
a way of thinking about situations or topics
band wagon
an argument saying in effect that becuase other people are doing something, you should too
a kind of literary or artistic work
factual claim
a claim that something is true; a claim that evidence or reasons are being presented
linear plot
A plot that has a distinctive begining, middle, and end, and is composed of five identifiable parts: introduction, rising action, climax, falling acti...
second person point of view
The narrator tells the story using the pronouns "You", "Your," and "Yours" to address a reader or listener directly
first person point of view
the narrator is a character in the story and used words like I, me, we
struggle between opposing forces (disagreement/fighting)
rising action
events leading up to the climax
textual evidence
supporting a statement with information from text (evidence)
author's purpose
The reason the author has for writing. ( Inform, persuade, express, & entertain)
Words, events, or circumstances that help determine meaning.root
textual connection
connecting your thoughts to the text (what does it remind you of?)
third person omniscient point of view
narrator knows everything in the story and reveals the thoughts of all the characters
third person objective point of view
outside narrator records events without discussing character motivation or knowing what characters are thinking
third person limited point of view
the narrator focuses on the thoughts and feelings of only one character
sensory imagery
Language that evokes images and triggers memories in the reader of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
A traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society.
a group of lines in a poem
point of view
the perspective from which a story is told
free verse poem
a poem that has no definite rhyme and structure
narrative poem
a poem that tells a story
lyrical poem
A poem that does not tell a story but expresses the personal feelings or thoughts of a speaker.
specific ideas that people hold to be true
the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live
a central idea of a work (the lesson)
checks and balances
each branch of government checks on the other, the power is balanced between them
plan for spending money
War Hawks
a group of people in congress who wanted to go to war with Britain in 1812
helped the Pilgrims make a peace treaty
United States Constitution
a government document that tells exactly what each branch of government is allowed to do
Treaty of Paris
marked the official end of the war
Thomas Jefferson
wrote the Declaration of Independence
Battle of Yorktown
ended the Revolutionary War
shot heard around the worls
first gunshot of American Revolution
people who wanted to break away from or separate from the Church of England
Lost Colony/ Roanoke
the first settlement in north america
to approve
a group of people who disagreed with the Church of England
people who are the first to settle in a region
Northwest Territory
an area of land that became Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin
to not take a side in a fight
Monroe Doctrine
policy made by President Monroe that declared1823 - Declared that Europe should not interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere and that any at...
members of the militia who were ready to fight with only a moments notice
a volunteer army
paid soldiers from one country who fight for another country
Mayflower Compact
written agreement made among the pilgrims on board the Mayflower
Manifest Destiny
belief that America was destined to expand to the Pacific, and possibly into Canada and Mexico
legislative branch
part of the government that includes the senate and the House of Representatives
John Adams
He argued against the Stamp Act and was involved in various patriot groups. As a delegate from Massachusetts, he urged the Second Continental Congress...
judicial branch
part of government that includesJ
first permanent settlement
intolerable acts
in response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts passed, Port of Boston closed, reduced power of assemblies in colonies, permitted royal officers to be tried e...
Indian removal act
the United States government action that forcibly moved indians to lands west
a person from one country who goes to live in another country
House of Burgess
1619- The Virginia House of Burgess formed, the first legislative body in colonial America. Later other colonies would adopt houses of burgesses.
the unsettled part of a country
people who came to california in 1849 in search of gold
a small strong building for soliders
forced migration
a large group of people who are forced to move from one place to live to another place to live
a person who believed that the new United States needed a strong central government
executive branch
part of the United States government that includes the president
electoral college
the body that elects the president of the United States
a representative of a state
Declaration of Independence
a document that explained what the colonists believed in and why they wanted to be independent of British rule
Continental Army
army made up of soldiers from the thirteen colonies
Conestoga Wagon
a type of covered wagon
the people who aided the runaway slave on their way north
a settlement far from the country that governs it
California Gold Rush
a period of time between 1849 and 1860 when thousands of people from around the world came to find gold and strike it rich
to refuse to buy something to express disapproval or create change
a city that grows in quickly in population because of a certain industry, often gold
Bill of Rights
the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution
Battle of Tippecanoe
a 1811 battle between american soldiers and Tecumsh's soldiers
Battle of Saratoga
often called the turning point in the American Revolution
the land that was close to the Apalachian Mountains
Articles of confederation
the United States plan of government that was used from 1781-1789
something that is added to the orginal
Declaration of Independance
written by Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson wrote the beginning of the Declaration Independance
Olive Branch
letter written to King George asking for more freedom for the colonist
Second Continental Congress
agreed to create a armyrepresentatives from each of the 13 coloniesLed by George Washington
Paul Revere
rode through the towns of Lexington and Concord shouting " the British are coming"
colonist who supported the cause of independence
Battle of Bunker Hill
first major battle fought in Revolution
Battle of Lexington and Concord
marked the beginning of the Revolution
First Continental Congress
important meeting between all the colonies, 12 met in Philadelphia, included George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Samuel Adams
Intolerable Acts
*rules that sent more British soldiers to Boston*colonist had to let soldiers stay in their home and feed them*no ships were allowed to enter or leave...
Boston Tea Party
group of colonists dressed as Indians through all the tea in the harbor
Tea Act
act said that the only company allowed to sell tea to the colonist would be the East India Company
Boston Massacre
pushed the colonists closer to war, British soldiers shot into a crowd and killed 5 colonists
Townshend Acts
taxes on tea, paper, glass, wool, lead, paints
tax placed on goods that are imported
means to cancel
Sons of Liberty
Samuel Adams organized a group of men to protest the Stamp Act
Patrick Herny
lawyer who made a speech to King George III that said Britain had to right to tax the colonistSaid " give me liberty, or give me death"
Stamp Act
tax on all newspapers, legal documents, playing cards
French and Indian War
fought over control of Ohio River ValleyBritain gained more land in North AmericaBritain go control of land that belong to Native AmericansBritain imp...
Atantic Slave Trade
the business of forcing Africans to the colonies in North and South America to work
House of Burgessess
group of elected officials to help make the laws in Jamestown,beginning of self government for the English colonies
cash crop
Virginia company
businessmen wanted to set up a new colony in Virginia to see if there were any resources to make them money
indentured servant
a person who agrees to work for free for a certain period of time in return for their freedom
cash crop
crop grown for profit
Church of England
national religion of England
Proprietary coloniesNew York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia,New Jersey
meant to make money for the stockholder( person who owned the colony)
Southern Colonies
mostly agricultureVirginia, Maryland, North Carolina,South Carolina, Georgia
Middle Colonies
part agriculture, part industrialNew York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delware
to replace a number with another number to estimate
to make a guess of how much there is by rounding.
The answer to a subtraction problem. It means to take away.
compatible numbers
numbers that are easy to add mentally.
order of operations
a set of rules that give you the order in which calculations should be doneA
Identity property of Multiplication
The property that states that the product of any number and 1 is that number
associative property of multiplication
the property that states that when the grouping of factors is changed, the product remains the same
zero property of multiplication
the property that states that the product of zero and any number is zero
to combine equal groups to find how many in all; the opposite operation of division
Vertical Bar Graph
a bar graph in which the bars go up from bottom to top
tally table
a table that uses tally marks to record data
picture graph
a graph that uses pictures to show and compare information
line plot
a graph that records each piece of data on a number line
a part of a map or a graph that explains the symbols
horizontal bar graph
A bar graph in which the bars go across from left to right
frequency table
A table that uses numbers to record data
the answer of a multiplication problem
A number that is the product of two counting numbers
the number that is multiplied by another number to find a product
An ordered set of numbers or objects in which the order helps you predict what will come next
A number sentence that uses the equal sign to show that two amounts are equal
commutative property of multiplication
the property that states that you can multiply two factors in any order and get the same product
place value
the value of each digit in a number, based on the location of the digit
distributive property
The property that states that multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products
objects arranged in rows and columns
the number that results from dividing.
the number that divides the dividend
related facts
A fancy name for fact family
inverse operations
opposite operations that cancel each other. Addition and subtraction - Multiplication and division.
equal groups
groups that have the same number of objects
to separate into equal groups; the opposite operation of multiplication
The number that is to be divided in a division problem
County Seat
The city or town in which the county's leaders meet.
Public Works department
We might not have clean water if it wasn't for this department.
Community (Local) Government
Public schools and libraries are the responsibility of this level of government.
Sales Tax
Is the extra money that we all pay each time we buy something.
Parks and recreation department
This department offers special programs in the summer for children to enjoy.
The money they collect from taxes
Community governments pay for services with the money from this.
Property Tax
Is money paid by people who own land and buildings
Keep streets and water clean and collect garbage
Two examples of jobs that the public works department performs are these.
Park and recreation
This department of government provides these programs to help us citizens enjoy ourselves.
By having school boards to make decisions and solve school's problems
Our government makes sure that children get good education by having this
The group that makes laws
Is money that we citizens pay to run our community government and provide us services.
Public Works
Department of a community government that provides services to meet day to day needs like Sanitation or Clean water supply.
Judicial Branch
Branch that decides if laws are fair and being carried out correctly.
Is any activity, hobby or sport done for enjoyment after work
Government Services
Is work that is done by the government for everyone in a city or town
State Government
Which level of government includes a governor elected by the people.
Specials jobs and responsbilities
Community, state and national levels of governments make laws and collect taxes, but each level has its own
Local government.
Community and County government are kinds of this.
Capitol buildings.
State lawmakers meet in these buildings.
The leader of a city or town is called.
Local, State and National
The three levels of government
Capitol Building
This building represents the Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch, Executive Branch and Legislative Branch
The three branches of government.
The Supreme Court Building
This building represents the Judicial branch.
Another word for border.
Legislative Branch
The town or city council of your community is part of this branch.
A state leader that is elected by the people is called this.
The building name in a capital city in which lawmakers meet.
Executive Branch
This branch has elected leaders who manage their area of either Country, State or City
The name given by the Catholic Church to the local governments in the state of Louisiana when the region was under the Spanish rule.
Legislative Branch
Branch that makes the laws.
What is the hardest mineral on the Mohs Hardness Scale?
a marking of a different color or texture from the background
the way a mineral reflects light
mohs hardness scale
a scale ranking ten minerals from softest to hardest; used in testing the hardness of minerals
warm air and cold air_____.
Name this dwarf planet
closest planet to the sun
2nd planet from the sun
3rd planet from the sun (home)
4th planet from the sun
the largest planet and the 5th from the sun
6th planet from the sun
7th planet from the sun
8th planet from the sun
a typical and average star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system
outer planets
The four large, gaseous planets farthest from the sun.
inner planets
the planets closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
digestive system
the system that makes food absorbable into the body
elastic, muscular organ that holds urine until it leaves the body
urinary system
the system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine
circulatory system
The human body system that contians the heart, blood, and all of the blood vessels. It delivers all the nutrients to the cells
respiratory system
the system for taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide
the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs
the smallest blood vessels which connect the smallest arteries with the smallest veins. Nourishment and fluid noramlly trapped in thick walled arterie...
a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body
a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart (blue)
right atrium
the right upper chamber of the heart that receives blood from the venae cavae and coronary sinus
left atrium
the left upper chamber of the heart that receives blood from the pulmonary veins
right ventricle
lower right heart chamber
left ventricle
lower left heart chamber (think opposite left and right)
a organism made up of cell's that have a nucleus enclosed by membrane eukaryotic include protists, animals, plants and fungi but not archaea or bacter...
single celled organism with no organized nucleus
deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) nucleic acid that contains the sugar deoxyribose
(biochemistry) a long linear polymer found in the nucleus of a cell and formed from nucleotides and shaped like a double helix
Vascular plant tissue consisting of living cells arranged into elongated tubes that transport sugar and other organic nutrients throughout the plant.
the vascular tissue through which water and nutrients move in some plants
What leaves plants?
water + sunlight + CO2 = ?
a green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants, algae, and some bacteria
plastid containing chlorophyll and other pigments
hard, nonliving material that makes up the cell wall of a plant cell
The part of the cell that converts food to energy.
a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction
a jellylike fluid inside the cell in which the organelles are suspended
cell membrane
a thin membrane around the cytoplasm of a cell
a tiny cavity filled with fluid in the cytoplasm of a cell
(biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms
relationship in which two species live closely together
coral reef
A structure of calcite skeletons built up by coral animals in warm, shallow ocean water.
Below the canopy, a second layer of shorter trees and vines
dense covering formed by the leafy tops of tall rain forest trees
rain forest
a forest region located in the Tropical Zone with a heavy concentration of different species of broadleaf trees.
high desert
the area for trading and finding minerals
low desert
the are for hunting and cemeteries (west side)
a low woody perennial plant usually having several major branches
the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
an extremely dry area with little water and few plants
a wetland ecosystem in which trees and vines grow
a vast, level, treeless plain in the arctic regions. The ground beneath the surface of the tundras is frozen even in summeril
land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life
a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek)
the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time
microscopic animal or plant
organism that breaks down and obtains energy from dead organic matter
food web
(ecology) a community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains
food chain
a series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten
a carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms
an animal that eats both plants and animals
Meat eater
plant eater
a living thing that gets energy by eating plants and other animals
organisms that make their own food
The way plants make their own food
a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment
Explain how glaciers change the land:
Glaciers change the land as they slide over it. The scrape up rocks and soil and pile them up into hills. They scoop our rocks and soil to form huge h...
Volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountains are made by faults.
Two plates moving apart are known as a divergent boundary.
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
The continents have always been in the same location.
__________ are when soil and rock collapse and fall down a hill ormountainside.
The largest waves in the worlds are called ___________.
A _______ occurs whenever magma from deep inside the earth comes out through a crack in the surface.
When large plates get caught, pressure and energy builds up. When thatpressure and energy are release an __________ occurs.
An _______ can be formed by a volcano erupting under the ocean floor until itfinally comes about the surface.
When plates converge together it can form ____________.
The hot melted rock underneath the Earth's plates is called _________.
Pieces of rock, called ________ make up continents and ocean floors
Label the three layers of the Earth:
crust, core, mantle
List the ways rocks can be weathered:
wind, water, plants/animals
__________ is the movement of weathered rock and soil.
The way rocks are broken down into pieces is called ____________.
How does water cause weathering?
When water flows into crack or holes in rocks and freezes, the water expands causing the rock to break apart. The movement of waters also wears rock a...
List the three ways rock can be weathered
wind, water, plants/animals
metamorphic rock
rock that forms when the texture and composition of preexisiting rock changes due to heat and pressure.
sedimentary rock
rock that forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together.
the hot liquid that forms when rock partially or completely melts; may include mineral crystals
rock cycle
the process by which one rock type changes into another rock type
igneous rock
rock that forms from the cooling of magma
metamorphic rock
rock that forms when the texture and composition of preexisiting rock changes due to heat and pressure.
sedimentary rock
rock that forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together.
the hot liquid that forms when rock partially or completely melts; may include mineral crystals
rock cycle
the process by which one rock type changes into another rock type
a solid mixture of crystals of one or more minerals or other materials
A crack in the earth's crust.
Plate tectonics
It explains that the earth is divided into pieces
It is any trace of an ancient organism preserved in rock.
Continental drift
Theory that the continents slowly moved over Earth's surface.
Ice Age
period of time when much of the Earth was covered by glaciers
slow moving river of ice
small pieces of weathered rock such as gravel, sand, or pebbles
the process of depositing (dropping) sediment
the process of moving weathered rock from one place to another
the process of wearing down or breaking down rocks into smaller pieces
Melted rock that flows onto land.
Melted rock that is below the Earth's surface.
igneous rock
A rock that forms when melted rock cools and hardens.
A nonliving material made of one or more minerals.