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Present Simple and Present Continuous 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does Sofia ( plans / plan ) to go bowling every weekend?
Does Sofia plan to go bowling every weekend?
Eric is walking to school ( almost everyday / tomorrow morning. )
Eric is walking to school tomorrow morning.
Do the school team ( practice / practices ) in the weekends?
Do the school team practice in the weekends?
I ( am jogging / jog ) after school. Do you want to join me?
I am jogging after school. Do you want to join me?
Does Jake ( play / plays ) football with the team every evening?
Does Jake play football with the team every evening?
Q: What _____ (he, do) to his car now? A: I ____ (think) he ____ (polish) it.
Q: What is he doing to his car now? A: I think he is polishing it.
The plane you _____ (look) at now _____ (take) off for Paris.
The plane you are looking at now is taking off for Paris.
Q: ____ (you, write) him tonight? A: Yes, I always ____ (write) to him on his birthday. ______ (you, want) to send any message?
Q: Are you writing him tonight? A: Yes, I always write to him on his birthday. Do you want to send any message?
Q: ____ (you, love) him? A: No, I ____ (like) him very much but I ____ (not, love) him.
Q: Do you love him? A: No, I like him very much but I don't love him.
Q: Why ____ (you, put) on your raincoat? A: I ____ (go) for a walk. ____ (you, come) with me?
Q: Why are you putting on your raincoat? A: I am going for a walk. Are you coming with me?
I usually ____ (go) by bus but tomorrow I _____ (go) in Tom's car.
I usually go by bus but tomorrow I am going in Tom's car.
Jenna visits her grandparents in KL ( next week / once a month. )
Jenna visits her grandparents in KL once a month. 
Jackson usually ______ (speak) so quickly that I ______ (not, understand) him.
Jackson usually speaks so quickly that I don't understand him.