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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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艢pi臋 w sypialni.
I sleep in my bedroom.
W salonie jest kominek.
There is a fireplace in the living room.
Poduszka jest na kanapie.
There is a pillow on the sofa.
W lod贸wce jest jedzenie.
There's a food in the fridge.
Jem w kuchni.
I eat in the kitchen
W moim domu jest 5 pokoi.
There are 5 rooms in my house.
Odrabiam prac臋 domow膮 w sypialni.
I do my homework in my bedroom.
Gram w gry w salonie.
I play computer games in the living room.
Ogl膮dam telewizor w salonie.
I watch tv in the living room.
Jaki jest tw贸j ulubiony pok贸j?
What is your favourite room?
Prysznic jest w 艂azience.
The shower is in the bathroom.
Kot jest pod 艂贸zkiem.
The cat is under the bed.
Lod贸wka jest obok zlewu.
The fridge is next to the sink.
Myj臋 warzywa w zlewie.
I wash vegetables in the sink.
W 艂azience nie ma telewizora.
There isn't a tv in the bathroom.
W kuchni jest mikrofal贸wka.
There is a microwave in the kitchen.