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Technology for Preschoolers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can a computer think on its own?
No, they still can't.
Does the kid have a computer in his watch?
Yes, he does. He's wearing a Smartwatch.
Can you watch videos using a computer?
Yes, you can.
Can you take online classes using a computer?
Yes, you can.
Can you chat with your friends using a computer?
Yes, you can.
Can you watch movies using a computer?
Yes, you can.
Can you write using a computer?
Yes, you can.
Can you draw using a computer?
Yes, using Paint.
Is this part of a computer?
Yes, it's the monitor.
Is this part of a computer?
Yes, it's the cursor.
Is this part of a computer?
No, it's not.
Is this part of a computer?
Yes, it's the keyboard.
Do you think the crab is using a computer?
Yes, it is.
Is this part of a computer?
Yes, it's a mouse.
Is this a robot?
Yes! It's Wall-e!
Are there robots that could clean your house?
Is the boy using a desktop computer?
No, it is a tablet.
Is the kid using a laptop?
No, it is a tablet.
Is the rabbit using a cellphone?
No, it is a laptop.
Is the cat using a laptop?
No, it is a cellphone.
What does the person have in their hands?
A cell phone.
Is the kid using a cell phone?
Is this a cell phone?
No, it is a desktop computer.
What is the cat using?
A laptop