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13 Colonies Era (Review)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who was Jonathan Edwards?
a leader of the Great Awakening and author of the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Which colonial region is characterized by a long growing season, fertile soil, and a warm climate?
Southern Colonies
What factors contributed to the growth of representative governments in the 13 colonies?
distance from England and a desire to have more local control in government
What are town meetings?
These were held in New England and they provided the colonists an opportunity to discuss issues and serve as an example of democracy
Which physical features served as a physical barrier to the westward expansion of the 13 colonies?
Appalachian Mountains
How did the First Great Awakening contribute to the growth of representative government?
People began to see each other as equals, participated in government more
Why were many colonial farms and cities established near waterways?
it made it easier to transport and ship goods
What are the 5 Southern Colonies?
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia
What are the 4 Middle Colonies?
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware
What are the 4 New England Colonies?
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island
What colony served as a buffer zone between Spanish Florida and the rest of the colonies?
Which colony was settled by the Puritans and Separatists?
Who was James Oglethorpe?
The founder of Georgia
Which colonial region was characterized by religious tolerance and a diverse population?
Middle Colonies
Which cash crop saved the settlement of Jamestown?
What is a representative government?
A type of government in which people choose representatives to make laws and decisions on their behalf
Which English document created in 1215 limited the power of the king of England?
Magna Carta
In which colony was the settlement of Jamestown located in?
What colonial region grew cash crops such as tobacco, rice and indigo?
Southern Colonies
What was the first written constitution in America?
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Which region of colonies is characterized by long winters, thin rocky soil. and an economy based on fishing and shipbuilding?
New England colonies
What was the first example of a representative government in America?
Virginia House of Burgesses
Who was the founder of Rhode Island? What was the reason the colony was founded?
Roger Williams; for religious freedom; he believed in the separation of church and state
What is the significance of the year 1620?
the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth and wrote the Mayflower Compact
Who was the founder of Jamestown?
John Smith
What economic system characterized the southern colonies and was dependent on slave labor?
Who was the founder of Maryland?
Lord Baltimore (Cecil Calvert)
What is a charter?
a document granting permission for settlement
What is a Separatist?
Someone who separated from the Church of England and immigrated to America for religious freedom
Which colony was established as a place for Quakers? Who was the founder?
Pennsylvania; William Penn
What is a joint stock company?
a group of people invest their money in order to make a profit
What is subsistence farming?
Growing crops in small amounts just to feed a family but not for large profit
What colony was established as a refuge for Catholics?
What part of the triangular trade was the trade route that brought slaves to America?
Middle Passage
Who was Thomas Hooker?
Founder of Connecticut and author of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
What is the significance of 1607?
Jamestown was established
What are some of the reasons that European nations explored the new world?
to expand their empires (glory), search of gold, spread faith (God)
What was the Northwest Passage?
An all water route to Asia by way of North America that explorers were in search of
What colony was established as a safe place for debtors?
What is an indentured servant?
People who made an agreement to work for 5-7 years to pay off their trip to North America
What group of people in England wanted to "purify" the church of England?
What colonial region was known as the "breadbasket"
Middle Colonies